torsdag 31. juli 2014

Extremly Happy Day / Freedom :-)

Today i was signed out of the hospital unit at 10:00 in the morning. But before they left me on my own a nurse drove me around to see the houses for sale here on the island. It is two houses i am interested in. One on 69 square feet and one on 202 square feet. The two houses have potential to be very good and cosy. I drove to the bank today and asked for a meeting for getting a loan and is booked in on monday. I have to get everything lined up until that day. After the bank i visited my grandmother on 104 years, she was in very good mood and we talked for a while and i met a former collegue. She did not know me again by look, but by smell. My parfume i have been very lucky with it smell very good on me. After visitng my grandma i was to my mothers house and visited the two dogs, they are so cosy, and Toya the Field Spaniel moves together with me, because she dont like to be left alone. I have spare time nearly all the day so she can stay with me. Toya is extremly kind and cosy. She is 8 years old. The sad part is that she has cancer so we dont know how long we have her. But it is life when you have dogs.
My son was to Oslo today and looked at an appartment, and got it. The place the appartment lies in is very beautiful and he was happy to get a place to live when he goes to Oslo to study. I am so proud of him. He went by plane in the morning and was back 14:00 so he is fast to decide. We talked for a while about moving and the appartment. It starts a new life for bought him and me now. I am not used to be alone, so it will be a great change for me, but i will have Toya by my side.
Happy the budgie we have is doing great, but i feel she is much alone, so i have decided to go to the petstore and see if her friend is still there and buy it. I dont have the heart to see a budgie alone in a cage. But she sings and is happy most of the time. It is cosy to have a budgie.
I have done laundry today. I have washed 5 machines with clothes today. It is clothes that have been lying in the hospital and i like to stay cleand and fresh. I dont know why, but i like laundry a lot.
At 16:00 in the afternoon i started to clean out of a big closet i have, that have been filled with books, and papers. I found out that i worked longer as a nurse then i thought and that i probably was insurred by the Norwegian Nurse Associaton and that i might have right to get payed insurrance money. I have to check it out on monday to and my borther wanted to help me.
I sendt also a mail to a publisher about a book in cognitive treatment and using Happy Cards. It has worked very good on me. And i write about how to exercise youre mind and get the cards to work good. I function on a high level when i dont have fatigue from the medications and it is extremly great to have my life back.
This evening we have had vistiors and made enchiladas to celebrate that i am signed out and home again. It  has been a fight, but when i got easen down and secure again everything started to change and the sun got back to my life. I have had a great summer and is happy to function again as a sane and normal person. It is hope for everybody suffering from any illness.
" Do good for youreself and others and have a happy day ! "

tirsdag 29. juli 2014

Night Time Boogie

It is nearly one olock in the night here. I went to bed at 21:30, but could not sleep. I had so many funny plans in my head. And not at least thankfull to be alive. I am happy to live in Norway. Not at least on how the Police has worked here in the country when the terror threath has been going on. There is still danger, but we cant be to afraid. I am so thankfull to the Police that took it all seriously and protected us all. Thank you !!!
Tonight i have been decorating a house in my head here on the islands, and been a trip mentally to Great Brittain. My son and i looked for house for me in England from next year. We found a cosy house, very like the house in the movie " The Holliday " with Kate Winslet and Camron Diaz. I wanted to move straight away, so over Chicken Curry today ( made from scratch ) we disguessed moving over there. My son wants to study in England or Scotland from next year. And me, i can live all over the world. But i like England a lot and the psyciatry there is good.
But later on i found a house here for sale, i want to buy it and i am going to the municipal loan office to see if i can get a " start-loan " on thursday. I have to work fast. I was so happy in my mind that the sleep did not get me, and Happy the budgie was not quiet for the night.
I am so happy to have this possibilities in my life. And the house for sale here is good for dogs. So i can buy a dog again, it will bee a Flat Coated Retriever or a Cocker Spaniel ( or bought ) :-) I have had water and lemon and the boys in the house has tried out " Miracle Berries ", it is a natural pill of a sertain berry that gets everything to taste sweet - even lemon. So they bought in several lemons and ate that tonight. And now they plan a road trip to USA. I love them all !!!
I have to go to bed again, but i dont think i manage to sleep until 03:00, it is my standard when i have night time boogie.
I hope you all have a good time, and dont get depresses of the world society with war and terror. It is to find a life inbetween and survive the best you can. Stay together with secure people if you are afraid. And sleep well.
" It is good to have a good plan in life - it is easier beeing happy then. "

mandag 28. juli 2014

To End All Wars Now !

Its possible if people start to care. The wars in the world are ruining humans and the planet earth. We have only this planet and only this life. The wars are meaningless. People need to decide... " This has gone to far - i cant fight anymore for the purpose it is not right. "
The meaning of life is to have a good life and family, friends and a home. And for those who love animals, some pets. The life is wonderful even with litle money. It is to have a job and something to do and be let in a society and a culture with freedom and love. It is the start on peacetime if people find this way and not fight for personal power and money. To risk to loose something everybody can do, and that is material things. But you dont afford to loose the loved ones or youreself.
Plan a life in happiness and peace and start to give money away to people in crisis and war. There is enough money in the world to rebuild it. But if the wars keep going on the earth and humans will be destroyed. We have to act now.
The killing of children and people ruins the planet. We cant look away and hide. We need to get leaders that is capable to talk about forgiveness and peace. That war is a act of savage and cruelty. It is not right no matter how you look at it.
A peaceprosess has to be started by the governments and UN, and why do not the west react? I wait for leaders to talk about this. It has to be done something.
By choosing peace and give away to the poor people the world will get saved !!! It is not much that has to be given away, but look around and see after things to sell and to give away and give money to red cross, medicin sans frontiers and UNICEF, and to everybody collecting in money. An act of kindness can stop war. Please end all wars now !!!
" Forgiveness can stop a world war. "

This song speak for itself ! Advenged seven fold !

My Response To The Bombing In Gaza : " I Am Clicking Now " !!!

The newest report from the bombing of Gaza is that a hospital is reached by bombs !!! A norwegian Doctor is working there, and my reaction to it was anger !!! " I am clicking now " !!!
Why war ? It is next year 70 years since world war 2, and it is to be remember. The world was horrified of Hitlers damages and the concentration camps. My grandfather sailed out as a warrior for the allied and sailed on HK Gladesdale. He fought against war and was for peace his entire life.
To me it seems strange that jewish people given the country after world war 2 is bombing Gaza. Why is it so hard to give away land and live peacfully !!! Its money and borders. All the people of Gaza want is a home. The people bombing on bought sides i have to say to : " Stop the Bombing Now !!! "
It is not hard to give away land. And the Bible also say : " Pray also for youre enemies. " It is the words of Jesus Christ.
I was to stay in a happy mode today and have cupcakes in the owen to some children playing in my sisters garden. And what world shall they grow up in ???
Stop Bombing and give away land !!! The ones that are knowing the Bible knows that this is the meaning of the bible : " To Give and let Live ! "
I am against Israel in about 10 years because of this. " Stop the Bombing Now. "

tirsdag 22. juli 2014

Summer Under a Cherrytree

To have summer on a blanket and a pillow under a cherrytree is fantastic. To lie in the cool shadow with light breeze and reading " The book of Tomorrow " by Cecilia Ahern and having lemonade of pomegranate and blueberry and icecream made the day for me. Toya lied beside me and slept in the sun and its easy days beeing human and a dog.
I wondered about how really litle is to be done to be happy and be at ease of mind. That life gives me hours of plain luxury of comfort and relax. I am so happy having this summer days. Just drifting of and daring to be nothing. It is in times like these that life gives you time to think about how you really want youre life, and i want it easy and comforting. Not the wild adventurous life, i have been there some years ago but it lead me in wrong directions and into stress and psycosis.
To just be today in the summer heat, drifting of in mind about how good life is when you settle with less gave me pure happiness and i am greatfull to the one making this good summer for us here in the west of Norway. I am going out again now to enjoy the evening outside with coffe i made now. Have a great summer to everybody !
" If you want an easy life it come to you. "

Living With The Secret

Living with the Secret is easy, it is to be positive and open for new ways in life. It is about visualising what you want out of life and in life. I have not so very high goals for life, and know that not everybody can get rich. But to have quality in life is possible for everybody, even with a illness or in a crisis. Life is not all the golden high way, but the golden rule : " Do to others what you want others shall do to you " and live simple. To have a simple life reduces stress, and the secret can give you suprises in presents and gifts and things occuring just when you need them. Some will call it guidance from God. That there is a power of love that never get empty and always has something to give you. I have quality on my life and people are kind to me. Last night a neighbour came up to me with a bottle of white wine and shared it with my mom and me. We sat outside talking until the sun had gone down. The summer heat is fantastic and i have been at the beach and at the seaside. I love summer. And someone has cared for me. I have gotten free clothes, food, jewelry and a budgie and everybody is staying safe and doing good in my family. Everyday i get a reminder that life is worth living and that there is always something fun or cozy happening.
I wake up early these days, Happy the budgie started to sing 06:30 today and i got up and waited for Toya the Field Spaniel we have. She shall stay with me the whole day because my mom went to the city for shopping. It is just a cosy day and i will enjoy it on the terasse with Toya and a good book.
" Lazy days can be all you need to recover. "

søndag 20. juli 2014

To a good start on the day :-) Morning Mood By Grieg

Enjoy The Simple Things In Life

Life is worth living no matter how you have it in youre life. To just live life or to really enjoy it is the big difference. There are thousands of ways to live a fullfilled life, it is just to get it the way you want it. But sometimes you can realise that the way you want it its not really the way you want it. Then you have to take a step aside and really find out what you want out of life. It can be though finding a way in todays society. But there is billions of things you can do to live a fullfilled life. Just like going out taking an ice cream together with a friend by the seaside or in the park, or at home alone. It is to find simple ways in enjoying life and finding out what works. It is so easy that a favourite music song can change youre day or just hanging out with friends. People goes to work, and do they really enjoy and love theire jobs. Find out if you can take more education and love the way you make it through in youre life. But remember the litle things. The way someone laugh at a joke you tell, or the magic about beeing together with children, or a litle hiking trip or exercise or to just stay home reading a book.
My mornings are filled with joy. I make breakfast and enjoy the summer weather and have coffe outside on the terasse. A wildcat lied today outside in the sun and relaxed, and Happy my budgie sings beautiful. I can see the sea from my house and the colours of nature, flovers and trees are just beautiful. It is times likes these i just want to tell that everybody can get out of difficult times by just enjoying the simple things. Like a cup of coffe outside. You dont always need someone around you. Make space to enjoy life and appreciate that life can be very simple. To strech out naked feets in the grass and just thinking that life gives you room to rest and get a good start at the day. The litle and simple things in life is usually what is free to do, so do them more often and find out that you dont need to be in a hurry all the time. Long term stress is toxic for the whole body. Give youreself time to find out what you love to do, and you will enjoy more, be more happy, less stresses, laugh more and create the way to find happiness all the time with the secure way that you know what makes you happy. Just try.
" Enjoy the simple life - you will get happy. "

torsdag 17. juli 2014

Streetdancing and Molde Jazzfestival

Today i woke up 04:00 in the middle of the night and stayed awake to 06:00 and woke up again 08:00. Here at home i play Mozart to Happy. I have been away for one night and she got a bit stressed of beeing alone and get friends around her. She is not a parakeet but a budgie, and like also Heavy Metall. She sings to Metallica, and to Mozart she relax and listens and is easier to get to sit on the finger. She is kind, cute and social. But needs to stay a lot around us to get tame. But i like to wake up in the morning to a bird singing.
Today i was to go to the jazz festival in Molde. I thought when i woke up that i did not want to go. I was tired and did not want to be around so much people. I wanted to go home and write. But everybody told me to go, so i did. It was a cosy carride and a ferry tour. A nurse and me went and we had a great time. The tunes of music got my mood better, and streetdancing was awsome. And all the musicians sitting in the street singing was great. One man played " Hallelujah" of Leonard Cohen and it was breathtaking. We had coffe latte and listened. Its great that mood can change so fast from tired and slow,to fast and easy and i went to some shops and bought a present to my son. A coaching book and Jamie Oliver in 15 minutes. My son likes to make food and make dinner a lot. He is so kind and good to me that i wanted to give him a present. I also bought Lavender Shower Gel and Hand Soap. It smelled very good.
The clothing in the shops in Molde was great, so my mother and me will go back next week to shop clothes. She starts her summer holliday tomorrow.
Today has been a great day even though it started out bad, but to get feedback from others is great. So get people around you that cares for you and want you the best and see that mood can change fast to the better. It was great to just walk around in Molde and listen to music, a woman sang also so pretty that i wondered why she had not a record. So there is musicians all over the world that can get famous and give out good music.
" Just go out no matter what mood you are in, it can change in seconds to the better. "

Lind, Nilsen, Fuentes, Holm - Hallelujah

lørdag 12. juli 2014

Happy the Parakeet

Here in the house tones of Mozart is playing all day, because a new family memeber entered the house today. A parakeet in light blue and grey she is so qute and very social. After just an hour in her new house she sat on the finger and she does it all the time. I guess she will get very tame, and she want out and fly in the room already.
I was to the city today and watched the boat festival and i thought it would be a good day to bring a parakeet home. It is good to have somebody to talk to when you are lonely and a pet brings much joy and happiness. Happy is her name and she loves humourous tones and happy music. She looks at me all the time when i talk to her. I sit in the living room and knitt, play music and talk to Happy.
I have also had two visitors today, my aunt and a friend of mine. We have stayed outside in the sun, it is fantastic weather here, so yeasterday i spent some hours with the dogs and my mother at a beach. It is good days here and i write on my books. And it seems like one is finished already next month.
I bought a new parfume also today and spent a lot of money today, but it was worth it. So today is to relax a new family member in the house and see how she reacts to music and people. She seems to think it is funnier here than in the pet store. I hope everything will work out good in taming Happy. But she is relaxed and make funny noice. So she seems to like it with us.
" New friends can come around everyday - invite them in youre life and be Happy. "

tirsdag 8. juli 2014

Free Bicycle and Knitting

My sister is so kind that when i saied i had to buy a bike, she saied i could borrow one of hers. She has two. So today i went down to the gasoline station and got help of a nice man to fill the tires with air. I went for a short bicycleride and went to the knitting and shoe store to buy yarn to a sweather i am going to knitt to my son. It is a mariusgenser. They are very cool and trendy. He will loock nice in the sweather with light blue shirt under it, i chosed grey and off white yarn to the sweather.
I have also had strawberrys together with a nurse and gone for a walk down by the seaside. It is just a fantastic day and life smiles to me. It is hope for everybody and life is so worth living. So now i am going to sit in the sun for a while and later on when the evening falls to start knitting the sweather.
" Enjoy every single part of life and find a hobby to do- it helps out easen bad days. "

mandag 7. juli 2014

The Secret in Recovering from Schizophrenia

I have recovered from Schizophrenia in about 5 months. It was a litle bit hard work in the start because i got sendt to closed unit and was out of the unit for 1 month. I was in the start very upset and angry because they had me in closed unit. They took my sigarettes and i was on a regime for smoking. They also took my economy to my mother. I had managed my economy all my life and had my first job as 11 year old on a fish factory. In 2002 i graduated as a registered nurse, but dreamed about beeing a writer. I love writing and is very inventive and write novels and children novels. I wrote a children novel when my son was a child and read it every night to him and to sleep over guests. They love the book and it is about growing up next to nature. I have always been out in the nature a lot for smaller og bigger hiking trips. I have had horses, dogs, birds, cats and goldfishes. It has always happened a lot around me and i have had a great life next to nature and together with people and animals. It has therefore been very hard to have been in closed unit and not allowed to go out. I have been very highly functioning earlier in life and it seems to get back to me, and i am so happy. I have had a job offer in psyciatry and i have been asked to teach emploeys at the unit in how to treat psycotic people and to tell about what works and what dont work in treatment on psycosis. The first thing is to get stabilisation and be secure. I had to find that in myself. And when i was in closed unit i gave myself time. I thought : " It has to take as long as it take. " And not struggle to get home. Earlier hospitalisation of me i have not been fully recovered going back home, and to tell the truth i have hated to be hospitalisised. I have done all in my power to get home. The unit i have been on now is closed but is taking the patients out every day when they are out of isolation. I thought : " Now i have the time to write. " And i found a hobby i could do during isolation and i started working on a novel in january. I wrote all day and had coffe and sigarettes and ate very healthy. I allowed myself only to eat chocolate and drinking soda pop once a week. And i decided to be me again, and that is a very kind and smiling person. I decided to forgive everybody and forget about wrongs in the past. I have not had a psycolog this time so i have had to do the work all alone. After a litle while everybody started to treat me different. I changed totally back to the person i used to be.
The main reason i recovered is to find a hobby i love, been taking out on hiking and walking and doing exercise and not at least beeing together with the people i love. I realised i had to live life a bit slower than i used to do. But it is a life without complications and the total body get secure when life is happy and kind. I overloocked every single thing i reacted badly on before and looked at it as bagatells, just small insidents that dont need to be reacted on. I forgave and let go.
To work with hobbies give you the pleasure and stamina to go on in life even though things has been bad. And paranoia dissapeared fast. I managed to control my thoughts and use my common sense. People dont read youre thoughts and people are in general very kind to you if you are positive. Dont ever give up. I heared voices before, but stopped doing that for over a year ago. I have written about that earlier. But get a hobby, exercise and be kind. The enviroment around you change and then youre thinking change to. Life is so worth living and people have known that i hear voices and been kind to me anyway. It has never been a secret that i have heared voices. And now they are gone.
Have people around you that you care about, and forgive people you have " wrongs " against. It can end up in friendship again. Forgivness is really the main issue. To let go of anger, guilt and anxiety.
For me one thing has helped a lot and that is praying. I have in periodes praied to the Lord constantly. It took all my bad thoughts away and my life seem to work out well. And praying is kind. I prayed for my family, patients, people working in the unit, for friends and for myself. I forget a lot praying for myself but it seems to work out kind and good anyway. Life is so good living. I paint also and has been allowed in painting on my room. I use long time on the pictures and i pray when i paint and the last month a new painting tecnique has been growing in my hands. The pictures get better and better.
The key is to slow down and get goals and do them. But it has to be thing you enjoy doing. It can be hard at some days, but do the things anyway. I am totally changed in way of thinking, walking and intellectual i am highly functioning again. Dont be afraid if you take some steps back, but remember that most people heal from schizophrenia. Have good friends around you and keep a plan for youre life. I am proud about writing a good book in the middle of isolation and psycosis. The book is 2/3 finished and i love writing it.
I write a book also about experiencebased training to psycotic people to give them good hiking trips and to enjoy nature and exercise. I have gone down 17 kilos in only some months. It is totally secure that you also can recover from schizophrenia and that if you know somebody with psycosis, tell them all the time that they can get well. The line between a normal person and a psycotic person can sometimes be small. Dont be afraid of people in psycosis. Talk slowly and kind to them and let them know you care. Ask about things that has been good in life and give them feedback to get hobbies and it might end up in a job to that person with psycosis.
" Good Luck everybody - you can be 100 % recovered and maybe better than before :-) "

Cosy Day

Today i talked to the doctor and i am nearly signed out of the hospital unit. I am only in for one day a week and that is the hiking day. I am so happy to finally start all over again in a normal life. I went to see the appartment i am going to rent from 1. October 2014 and it was okay. Not big but i think i will have it cosy and comfortable there, it is only for 6 months until i buy something for myself. It lies next to a home for elder people and my grandma lives there, so i visited her today and she got so happy. She is 104 years old next month. And she gave me a gold neclace with a diamond on today. I got so happy and she is so kind and promised me that i should not visit her, she should visit me and take the walk every day to my appartment. I met former collegues today and i have not seen them for years, and i got hugged a lot and everybody remebered how it was to work together with me. It is good to see that life still is there and that people really cares about me and i care for them.
I went home and got visit of my dad and a friend of him, and we have been sitting in my kitchen and talked for a while together with my son. I have a really great day and i am working on finishing a book going to publisher next week. It is a book with over 365 quotes, one quote for every single day to make living easier when you suffer from illness, depression, anxiety or is having a crisis. It is to all people really and i have gotten good feedback on the book from several patients, so i hope it will work out.
Today it is blowing and raining and i have not had fatigue on 3 days and it is very healing i am totally recovered and is having a great life. I live the easy way and love every single day, and cant wait utnil i get neighbour to my grandma and get visits of her every single day. She is very kind and is like a best friend.
" A best friend can come to you every day. "

lørdag 5. juli 2014

Not Homeless Anymore

Yesterday i got a phone from my doctor. I have gotten municipal appartment and it is ready for me from 1. October 2014. It is a cosy appartment and it is for 6 months until i buy something for myself. It was a relief to get the appartment and i think it will be okay. But it is a step moving from a big house to a litle appartment. But some things in life is not to be controled. I think i will have a great time in the appartment and recover fully there. I am about to buy a bike so i will do bikecycling a lot. Next year a car is upon the wishing list. So i can get wherever i want in short time.
The weather here is good, it is good temperature and i have been sitting out having morning coffe and a siagerette. It is all good here.
" Dont worry, things work out somehow ".

fredag 4. juli 2014

Free life planner and training diary

Today i surfed the net to find new pages that are interesting. I got so happy over this page It is worth a tour and to invest in structuring youre own goals and time. I put down a few goals and will see how i make it with this planner. It is " All your life`s goals. All in one place ". So get ready to change youre life. It is all free. Have a nice day, and remember : " If you can see it you can achieve it. "

tirsdag 1. juli 2014


Somedays is like a reflection of magic is put upon the day. Today is such a day. It is like someone just say : " Hey you are okay. "
I woke up early today and had morning coffe and put out a video on facebook to my friends. At 10 : 00 an assistant from the unit came home to me and went for a litle hiking tour together with me. At 12:00 i was in meeting for the future plan of my life, and doctor, nurses and my mother was together with me in the meeting. It was a good meeting. I have a good plan for my life and is nearly all recovered from psycosis. I explained them about the book i am writing about experience- based training to recover from psycosis and the leader of the unit asked me to have education on the people working on the unit !!! I got so happy and told more about how schizofrenia is like and how i recovered. After the meeting the leader saied : Maybe i give you a job here at the unit, we want to be as good as possible.
So maybe i have a job in the psyciatric unit and is used by the patient in giving an example on how to recover. It is such a happy day ! And we are going to celebrate today my son, my mother and me ! So dont ever give up if you suffer from a mental illness it can become youre greatest strenght in the future. So to everybody reading : " Life is a miracle - live it everyday ! "