søndag 30. august 2015

Who Control The Economy ?

I am reading and has ordered books about economy. 
But as i read something very suspicious and weird is entering...
What in the heck has happened to the world ?
People want jobs and why not give them and print up more money global ?
I dont understand why the countries don't work together but use billions on warfare to only get a pretty and gorgeous lady ?

I myself will rather laugh...
and start to wonder if my life is better in the psychiatric field than in the society today in 2015 ?
I start to laugh soon about all and write the novel the idiots about psychiatric patients wanting to love and have work... but who tell them they are not good enough ?
It is the same people they shall trust and show them care ?
I am just a big question... but the philosophers say it is then you start to understand ?

lørdag 29. august 2015

Gossip Girl

Everyday can be a struggle and i question a lot these days. And it is gossip. What if everybody started to talk ? ... And not just the ones presenting gossip ? Inbetween all what we hear and see the truth is there, and it needs to be found in this world. 

There is a new trend coming up ... i think it is called " Flawless " - a way of living the non perfect life, because in the society and it is by generations created. That we should live a perfect life. But what about the ones knowing that this is just a fasade. That under the carpet there can be dust and sometimes bacteria ?

I just wonder what happened if people cared more in kindness and love. And to not just create garbage with gossip. Everybody in this world has the right to life and people creating gossip is just not perfect. It is the lucky part that the ones creating gossip ends up like unsatisfied people and creating more gossip until nobody listens anymore. But what damage have they done ?

Maybe more than a psychiatric patient ?
I just wonder and feel a little angry on the people creating gossip to be popular and tell what is the news. 
People need to care and give more and create the loving planet in the society that earth really is.
I am kind - but wants the truth to be out there and when the medical system also creates gossip - what in the world shall you do ?
I just wonder how my life will go ?
The reality for me right now is economically questions and not something weird like a fairytale in psychosis. I have told the truth and has been medicated for it. 
All in all ...
I am just a big question on my life ?

fredag 28. august 2015

The New Economic Question to Make the economy work ?

I am thinking a lot about economy - and the real question is

" How kind is mankind ? "

It can be will in people to end wars right now and build up a new economic system. People has to be kind and give away and lend to others - that way a new economic system can be build and the world saved for generations to come - i still believe it is possible :-)

Hillarious Good Band - Madrugada

One of my Norwegian favorites - they have created extremely good music :-)

A New World Economy ?

I have been reading about inflasjon and the market. I know that my theory about economy to print up more money to the poor in all the world will create new markets and new jobs. It can be done by giving out knowledge to people and government and work together for saving the world. If there is education in lifestyle and how much money you really need it can be done to end poverty and get a better global health. I am working on this for a while to get the economical system right. :-) It is just ideas presented - but i know it can work out good. There is more than 100 % :-)

torsdag 27. august 2015

Worldfund ?

It is getting shaped pretty weird for me and in a different way of thinking. I have been writing about economy and what if ?... a Worldfund had been established for global care of money and to give to the poor to create balance in the world. A Worldfund that takes care of the money for the world and give to poor people so they can get jobs and a better market. The society is so filled with beauty style etc... but what whit the people starving and only wanting a good happy meal and not another pair of shoes or a lipstick ? I think it can be done. A fellow patient is more realistic on my thinking... but i start reading economy and math because yesterday me and a patient showed that there is more than 100 % and we need algoritmer ( it is more norwegian ) to develop mathematic formulas for % thinking. I am very depressed but " working on a dream ". I want enough money to get security into my life and harmony. I hope you have a good laugh and a nice evening in this crazy world. I have started to say : " Crazy is the new normal. " :-)

It Is Wierder Now ?

Last night i spent thinking about economy. it is pretty strange for someone that don't have a clue on economy or money. But i think the idea i presented is easy and to give the poor people money and economy will create a different world. There will be more use of money and the production on things and groceries will be more asked after. It is getting pretty weird being me in a financial world. A fellow patient spent all night reading about economy and inflasjon for saving the world. I think the idea can be done if the world work together and starts being santa claus. It is still a while before it is christmas ( i had a pretty bad christmas last year ).
A totally new world economy can save mankind if the market sources don't raise the prices but are being held at a good level to give people aid. There is over billion people in poverty. I think printing up more money all over the world could have made a better and different world. And there would have been created more jobs.
I spend my days trying to understand economy and i might have a long way to go - but maybe new eyes and new ideas is pretty easy ?
That was the weird part of today - have a nice evening wherever you are in the world :-)

onsdag 26. august 2015

The Wierdest Thing

A coffee break can get you into thinking you never have thought before. I am not an expert in economical things... but i had a very weird thought for some minutes ago... I live in poverty and have to little money and it cost the Norwegian Society 5.7 millions nkr to treat me a year. It is 712500 usd a year. I have wondered a lot what had happened if they rather gave me the money or a job ? I could have had pretty much fun and eaten very well... i live for that people shall have a better life, and the strangest thought today was what happened if all the world got together and printed out more money and gave to the poor people ??? It can not only happen in one country. But if the market economy got changed with the whole world together. Maybe they had saved the world on one month or one year ?
It is just this kind of thoughts i get... and it is a bit different. But what is the economy and the money. If there was more money to all in the world and they sat prizes on groceries, health care and fuel on a different stage so maybe there was no more poverty in the world. I believe that it somehow can be done...even if i don't have a economical degree i can see for myself this happening and goodbye to poverty and yes to health ( i should have been talking about this to Mr. Barac Obama and UN ) - but i don't think this would have happened... just a crazy and weird thought... it was something different... but i believe it can be done without inflasjon. This is my everyday, new thoughts all the time, but i am not sure of that i am crazy for thinking global care thoughts ?

The Strangest Thing

You can sometimes feel that all life is stressful, chaotic, and full of clutter... and some of us can give up. I nearly did. But today it feels like it all has changed into meaning and a good life again with good emotions. It is so easy that only a walk in the nature can heal you and sometimes it seems like the right people occur around you and all fall into place again. Never Ever Give Up !!!
There is always a solution even though how hard it can be. I am at a little unit that is open and has only five patients. And it seems like the patients from the other unit want to be together with us. People can be different than what you think about them and more loving than you can think is possible. The strangest thing is that new friends occur sometimes from out of the blue, and gives you perspective on life.
We are born into this life to make a change i believe. I fight for the freedom and the life for mental ill people. The strange thing is that this kind of people are not strange at all when you get to know them. You get their story and start to understand that it can happen to any one of us. We need to take care of each other and sometimes the earth cries out for help. So be helpful... try to talk to someone you know is mental ill. Go on visit to them and show that you care, even if you are a little afraid. There is nothing to be afraid for. People love kind people and buy them a nice present. It don't need to cost much. It can change a life from illness to healing by taking a step towards mental aid and healing. It for the most is problem that we all have that creates a mental illness. But people seem to think they are the only one in the entire world with the symptoms. It is most likely something you self has thought about once, but the healthy humans tend to find different solutions. So maybe you can save a life today with a letter, a poem or a present to someone suffering. The strangest thing is that this can change the world. More care and more love. We are not alone on this planet, and with 8 billion people you need to understand that it is not the meaning that we shall stay alone.

mandag 24. august 2015

In Youre Darkest Hours New Hopes Can Rise

I had my darkest hours for a few days ago. It seemed like my life was over. But loving people and especially my son gave me back courage. But sometimes it is enough just to let go and go with the situations. I was suicidal. But loving words and reactions on others kept me alive. I have been on the unit all weekend for care and help and was today moved to a open district institution. And have to build a life again. Late summer days wash my soul clean with a warm breeze and i feel like i belong here in life. But it is hard. I have been put under deprivative treatment from the doctors and some of the staff and i fight in court the right to live a free life. I work for the Human Rights to be heard all places and everybody is entitled the first command : " Right to Life " ( with all that is in it - but sometimes you need help, and i do now. ) The third command is against torture and deprivative treatment. But the lawyer i had did not do his work in court, so i might have to go further. But i am willing to take the steps for freedom to mental ill people. Because all people are different and entitled to life no matter how the situation is.
I have settled in in the new institution it is for people being able to take care of themselves, just needing some help with life. I realize i need this now after being torn down by another unit. I state my case : " All people is entitled to a new start . "
I was give this today and had had a good time, even though i can hardly walk and all i exercised back is gone. It is sad being treated this way and people think it is good treatment what i have been through. But it is not. It has to be stress reduction and not analyzing the mind all the time. Because we are soul also. And something good always comes along. I hope all suffering in the world will stand against bad treatment and bee entitled to be themselves. I listen a lot to Metallicas album " Load " and it helps me to chill out. The place i am at now is very kind. I think i stay here for a while, to see life grow again. Hope you stay in hope for people caring for you and telling you that they love you, there is always someone that does that.

lørdag 15. august 2015

Army Mother

My sons life has changed and so has mine. It is new days entering the stage of the world. But it is in the small spaces of life. I become a army mother this week. My son has gone into the army and i am so proud of him in these days of warfare and terror to fight it in peace and loyalty to the country Norway. It is different days and i don't know how the line or the life will go and i won't write much about it because of my sons security and his right to privacy. I respect that.
I fight in the court against doctors on advice from a Norwegian General that wanted to sign me out from hospital for over two years ago and i am still under treatment. And the doctors don't treat me good. Neither in the unit and not in court. Every person on earth is entitled to have a believe in God and hope for an everyday life to heal in. I go for the human rights to be held in hospitals and not deprivating treatment. I am so tired of all the medications that i sleep nearly all the time. But i still have some hope and courage left to go further with my case and against the evaluation from the doctors. They won't send me to another hospital that treated me better ??? And it is in the right of Norwegian Law to have free hospital right. You can choose what hospital you want. I don't understand why they keep me where i am at and they brag and say it is the best treatment in Norway and it is not. I know by practise. I fight for the rights to patients to be healed from mental crisis. I call it a crisis and not decease. I don't write more today but will be up with more news later on. I write a novel while this is going on so the truth can be heard. The most important thing is my son and there is where my heart is. The day of today i have spent writing poems to send to my son to keep in courage. But he is well of without me also. But a mothers love don't leave you.