An everyday life in magic is formed by you're dreams - let them shine down from above and keep you in spirit by seeing that God want you to be loved and reach you're dreams.
lørdag 30. juli 2016
fredag 29. juli 2016
Somebody Loves Me - I Know Heaven
Someday in all the happiness and love, sorrow will find you.
I am so thankful to be alive by the love of my son.
When he was three years old he draw this picture of Heaven.
He understood i grieved over a friend that died young and i was in shock.
All my fears was my friends death and i was only 21 years old.
The presence of life is with us every day, and we dont know what the day will bring.
You need to stay in love all the time to make it through life in these days.
You find peace with going after you're dreams.
I found my Heaven in my son, he brought heaven to my heart in the age of only three years old.
He told me after drawing this picture :
" This is Heaven mommy and we all turn into angels and live on clouds and visit each other all the time. "
My fear of death was blown away.
But the presence of life and what is in it made me humble towards life and very happy to have the kindest child i have ever knew in my son.
I never left his side.
He was my wing mate
and now he wants to fly on his own.
He is extremely kind
and next week he helps me to redecorate a bedroom for a friend of mine to come and visit.
I feel all the love in the world for my son and he is very strong,
and leads his mother now also,
to life.
Heaven has been with me all the time
in the hope and love to a little child caring for his mother
and knowing early that life is fragile.
We need to get together and not stay alone.
There is friends in this life and in the life after this.
torsdag 28. juli 2016
Norwegian Poem : " Ensomhet " ( Loneliness )
Når du er alene telles timene
og alt kan være vondt.
Ensomheten i livet vil de aller fleste kjenne på en eller annen gang i livet.
Prøv å holde ut,
Gud forlater deg ikke alene.
Men sorgen kan sende deg til steder i deg selv du ikke ante fantes.
Som jorden eier du et frø,
ditt eget hjerte.
Ved å ta makt over din lidelse og vokse
over ensomheten.
Til å vite at et sted tenker noen på deg.
I kjærlighet vil tiden finne deg
og nye mennesker banker på din hjertedør.
Livet former oss hver dag,
og hver morgen er ny.
Kanskje blir natten din venn,
av at god søvn gjør deg hel.
Vakre menneske,
hold ut alt.
Årstidene kommer og går
og renser dine hjertesår.
Du er velkommen et sted,
og vis din egen vei,
ved å gå dit kjærligheten leder deg.
Mona Kristin Roald
tirsdag 26. juli 2016
" Earth " - Norwegian Poem : " Jorden. "
Den gir deg liv og nærer deg i dine sorger.
Makten i den kan true ditt liv.
Likevel gir den deg fødsel,
i troen på at din kraft er bare din.
Ingen eier deg !
Du er fri.
Selv i låste stunder kan ingen ta fra deg mennesket i deg,
som er skapt av vind og hav.
Her hører du alltid til.
Selv blant ord fra andre.
Glem de vonde ordene fort
og bær deg selv på vindens vinger,
som rører alt og skaper liv.
Bølgene bryter
og i jordene blåser frøene.
Til nytt liv alle steder.
Søk deg selv.
Gjennom de vanskeligste tider gir jorden deg,
deg selv å kjenne.
Se den.
Rør den.
Smak den.
Og vit du er elsket av noe høyere enn deg selv.
Det er mening i jorden
og vi er aldri alene.
Du er skapt til å være deg selv.
Friheten har ingen grenser
og finner sin vei til deg selv i fangenskap.
I mørket lyser universet,
og vi lærer vi er små.
Når ydmykheten finner deg,
finner også uskyldigheten deg.
Lær av jordens skatter
helt til du skratter.
Livet er gøy
og når fangene er fri
kan du ane vindens frie rytter.
På bølgene og i havet.
Kjærlighetens latter
kommer av jordens skatter.
Vær glad i deg selv.
mandag 25. juli 2016
2015 Crabbie's Grand National - Many Clouds - Racing UK
2015 Crabbie's Grand National - Many Clouds - Racing UK
Something is Weird - Drones
This could be in the future, drones can scare horses in a race, i found this because i wanted to see if there was a horse called " Blackout ". Nobody told me, but the world is a mad place. Be aware of danger. I am kind and work as skylimit to save what i can save before i go. Send it to newspapers, they dont listen to me.
Somebody Told Me Something - I Am Kind
Dont laugh at this.
I was for some months ago hospitalized in a district psychiatric senter
and a nurse i have been working under
told me that i had had blackouts when i worked as a nurse together with her.
This is so untrue as it can be and a genuine lie.
I have never had blackouts.
I told her the truth...
horses saves me out.
When i was 14 years old i had a Lipizzaner and Througbreed mix that had the name
" Blackout "
I deal with the word blackout all the time.
She was an amazing horse,
and i have proofs on that i had her.
I can not hide this horse away.
People can tell lies in the strangest ways.
And if they do this to destroy me as a nurse and as a human i am in danger.
Sometimes I Need Help - Somebody Is Doing Something - Mail
Wonder a lot about why my letters in the mail from doctors dont arrive in my mailbox.
I have nearly not been given mail in several years.
Now i live on a new address and the letters still dont come to me.
Wonder about horses
they are kind.
Sometimes i am worried for everybody around me.
Enough Love To See The Future
The world is in crisis. We need to plan the future for the world and the coming generations. I lack words in english to provide my thoughts good enough, but one word has universal meaning and all humans know the feeling. It is called :
Honestly, i have done no crime. And if caring for others is seen on as a crime the world has gone in the wrong direction.
There need to be Global Development and the truth about how we treat each other needs to be known.
In the world 1 million people take they`re own life every year.
It is one person committing suicide every 40 second.
I have heard that this number is higher than people dying from terror and war every year.
It is terrible and unspeakable sad,
but i try to put it in words for saving the ones wanting to live, but dont make it through as they should have. Every person is entitled to love.
The question is why so many people commit suicide ?
There should always be a place to find hope, believe and love.
To create control in a life by natural moves and security.
When the health care system fails and develop diagnosis rather than to take them away, something is wrong.
I see the future as a place for us all. We don`t need to be best friends with the entire world. We have to face that people are different. We do not understand it all.
But we do understand love.
It is not love isolating and not give him or her hope, meaning, hobbies and the right to go on with life.
The psychiatric field creates life stories. It can not be pushed aside.
And as a health care worker you need to understand that with you`re being and role, you become a part of a persons life.
You need to work hard. You can not look at you're job as easy or a place to relax in the psychiatric health field.
You need to work through you're own ego and put it aside.
It is called the Caritas thought,
it is from Latin and means unconditional love and caring for all humans.
To work with people that have a crisis in they`re life you must help them to form a future,
with love, hope and joy.
You can not play with humans, because mental games in the psychiatric health field is a crime and against the law.
You have to go through yourself and know the meaning of life,
to be able to create meaning in life with people suffering.
I see a world where all are saved.
Where people think of the whole universe of love and care,
and that medication is the last thing given in the psychiatric treatment.
Before giving medication, take a steady role and listen to the patient.
One good talk with sincerely care and love can save a human for life.
The good talk is lacking in the world.
We need to talk about the problems and not hide them away..
Research has shown that the suicide rate will become larger in the coming years.
We need to act now.
And create a new world in the psychiatric health field.
A place where people get to strengthen they`re recourses and find hope and meaning, so they can become stronger than before.
A place where it is allowed to dream and also be a bit crazy.
The everyday crazy life is that there is mental illness,
but all humans can recover.
No matter how many years it takes.
Give them hope always.
Love and care.
And a place to laugh.
There is meaning in every second, even if you dont see it right now.
Follow you're dreams,
and sometimes God turns you back on track with giving you the meaning.
Hold on always.
You have the right to live and to feel love.
søndag 24. juli 2016
Is The Sollution In The Nutrition ?
I studied a lot after having a fall in the blood sugar.
I got very bad during a day of not eating anything but breakfast.
I understood my blood sugar was low.
I ate and got better and well again.
The following days i studied hypoglycemia ( low blood sugar ).
The levels in blood sugar shall be between 5 - 8 mmol.
I bought equipment to measure blood sugar and followed my blood sugar for days.
It lies all the time very low.
I eat every third hour and feel fine.
If i forget this i get psychological problems.
Hyperglycemia can give anxiety, depression and psychotic symptoms.
You can read about this in my other blogg
" Rodeomile. "
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