An everyday life in magic is formed by you're dreams - let them shine down from above and keep you in spirit by seeing that God want you to be loved and reach you're dreams.
tirsdag 31. januar 2017
mandag 30. januar 2017
Norwegian Poem : Lev.
Du må huske at vi blir født i lidelse.
Verden lurer oss til å tro at alle er lykkelige.
Men et sted på veien vil sorgen finne deg.
Du må holde ut og kjempe.
Mot en ny dag,
der livet snur av Guds mirakler,
du er klok når et glass vann smaker bedre enn champagne.
Lidelse former deg, elter deg og knar.
Til du blir sterkere enn deg selv
og vet du er formet på ny.
Håpet bærer du alltid med deg,
og det lysner som morgengry
den dagen du vant over deg selv.
Den dagen kjærligheten former deg til et nytt menneske,
med alder, visdom og sinn,
vil du forstå det er alltid mening i å leve.
Mona Kristin Roald
I Understood Something.
I understood nursing and read more in the nurse study than what was given us.
This book i have had for years.
Knowing that the health care is not good enough,
and i am a prove on this.
The quality you put in on a patients as a doctor or a nurse reflects on the environment and also the family health.
To isolate a person for over 3 years without communication to the outer world without any crime has been committed is a criminal act among health caretakers.
I have been on forced treatment for nearly five years,
and it is in the files and in my journal that i am no danger to others.
It is because they think it is the best solution for me ( ? )
But how can they treat a nurse like this when they can not provide proffesjonal adequate health care to the person and end up ruining lives to not have the forces to live on by the human spirit.
This book got also stolen from me during a hospitalization.
søndag 29. januar 2017
Psychiatric Veteran
I have lived my life with the psychiatric treatment in Norway since 2002.
It has costed nearly 50 million norwegian krone to treat me to live maybe a life on the streets.
There have been nearly no focus on hope and resources.
I have kept my faith in life on believing my sons love for me and the faith to The Lord Above.
There is kindness found in patients that is more uplifting than with the professional caretakers.
I got isolated for 3 years with no connection to the outer world, and it has forced me to live a nearly isolated life without so many friends.
I know that people construct they're own reality around me.
The thing is that i never stopped believing.
I think that problems can be solved.
But why they isolated me for nearly 3 years and kept of all internett and newspapers etc. i really do not understand.
But i owned a lot of good domains.
It is good ideas for the future, and some doctors treated me for insanity of owning domains and having pure dreams for my sons future and myself to get a marketing job.
What i do now is writing novels and stay peaceful and with apathy for the treatment they give me.
There is little hope in the ones treating me.
I move to an institution here in the community because it is cold at the farm i live on.
I need safety and protection.
If that do not work out i go to live on the streets.
Why doctors has treated me for insanity with creating a diagnose in me with not informing me of the outer world and not give me sense when i walked around in only white rooms for years.
My vision is damaged of just staying inside all the time.
My health is ruined and i was once an athlete.
I question in what purpose they had with my life and my sons.
The damage is done and they do not seem to have proffesjonalisty to fix my life back together with joy, love and friends.
I am entitled to have a life after the human rights.
The doctor lied about me in court and so does other doctors.
One doctor wrote to the control commission that my cats had been taken away from me of bad treatment. That is not the truth. I called myself to replace them because they kept me awake at night and two cats where a little to much. The cats has had the best care with me and was safe, social and cosy. I do not understand why doctors do me so very bad in life.
I am kind and have ideas for a new ecg for newborn babies and new birth procedure to keep every child safe.
I also have a lot of others medical ideas that are good and fully potential to be developed.
They treated me for grandiose ideas because of this.
I really thought doctors would treat a nurse well with this ideas.
I understand that a lot of the problem is me being a nurse and doctors not handling this.
They dont communicate well with me and do not inspire me to live on.
I suffer in-between of suicidal thoughts because the damage the treatment has done on me.
I have to behave kinder than jesus to be heard on my problems.
I wish for a better life for me.
But i am not sure i will get this.
I move to an institution but if they do not treat me good,
i move to the streets to live together with people understanding love.
People can communicate and i have no problems with people on the outside that i meet that knew me before.
I am kind, but dying of the treatment.
They think medication can make everything all right.
There is a place in the human spirit called soul.
It is how people transform in life and has the ability to reflection over what they have been through.
I know i have been through treatment that broke human rights.
I am now a psychiatric veteran and knows that people that have chronical illness can die many years before they're time of the treatment they get.
I am in aftershock of what i have been through and i do not believe in the people treating me.
They dont hold so high skills to give me the guidance in how to live my life the best way.
I wrote a nursing plan on my own after many years without a plan.
When they had no plan for my life and only kept me locked in i really do not understand what they have done towards a single mother and a nurse.
Some in my family will help me to get to a treatment center in the south of Norway that manage to get people to recovery with good plans and many has become all healthy again after treatment there.
They also want me to move to another part of Norway to get better doctors.
At this part of Norway it is researched that they use the most of forced treatment in all Norway.
It is researched on.
I need help and do not understand so much after nearly five years on forced treatment and controlled to maybe live on the streets.
I Understood Something About Nursing ( Altruism )
I am myself everyday and understood something about nursing and national personality.
Changing agent nurses needs to be agents to make it through as a professional caretaker that leaves behind they're ego and give nursing to all with no personal questions involved.
It is love under high quality when this is discovered in nursing.
I feed butterflies, and they come to you when you are kind to help you believe.
There is always hope no matter what you have gone through.
Stay with me.
lørdag 28. januar 2017
fredag 27. januar 2017
torsdag 26. januar 2017
Nøkkelmannens Hemmelighet er ute.
Jeg har lagt til det første arbeidet på boken :
" Nøkkelmannens Hemmelighet "
Det er fantasy fiction og snilt.
Du finner den på min provisoriske hjemmeside,
med ikonet " X " på.
Now I Understood Metallica - And They Tried To Do Something
Somebody is talking to Metallica about everything about me in short time and they lie.
watch " Murder One " and the car.
onsdag 25. januar 2017
Les starten av mine romaner - det er gratis.
Jeg arbeider med fire bøker på en gang.
Jeg trenger adspredelse og kreativitet og kan ikke arbeide ensporet.
Det jeg holder på med nå er en ny sjanger, som heter
Det inneholder aspekter av livet som ikke er så godt kjent og handler om at psykiatriske pasienter redder verden. Med å vite hva verden virkelig er.
Les fantasykrimmen :
Bøkene ligger ute på en provisorisk hjemmeside, til noen kan hjelpe meg å lage en bedre side.
Der ligger fire bøker :
" Idioten "
" Elefanten "
" Harry Kvark "
" Den lille prinsen vender tilbake. "
Ha en god lesestund og send meg gjerne en mail etter du har lest starten på bøkene om hva du synest og viktige innspill fra leser.
God lesestund.
tirsdag 24. januar 2017
mandag 23. januar 2017
søndag 22. januar 2017
lørdag 21. januar 2017
Days Like These ( I have the flue )
This day has been hard.
I have the flue, and i am very ill.
I have spent the whole day in front of the television.
I have thought a lot about the world and suffering.
People suffers in-between and it is normal.
I once said to comfort myself :
" That everybody goes to the doctor sometimes. "
We are not well all the time.
I have had visit of my brother, that bought in some food and fruit to me.
I was very thankful.
It is days like this i miss someone.
To stay alone ill is not to recommend.
It had been good to have someone to lean to.
I believe that easier days will come, and the good thing is that i shall reduce medication.
I am on my way, even though it goes slow.
I lived natural and with speed before, i probably am bipolar and not schizophrenic.
A doctor wanted to give me second opinion to give me the right treatment.
But crazy or not.
Life shall be lived.
Today it is only in the small and easy way to comfort suffering.
fredag 20. januar 2017
Epletrollet reddet verden fra Twilight. Cover.
jeg forstår verden er i fare for å redde seg unna Twilight.
Ikke tro fiksjon.
Redd ungene.
Epletrollet er et spiontroll ( romvesen )
som redder eplene på en morsom måte.
Eventyr fiction for voksne og barn.
Epler er sunt og skal være det snilleste i verden.
torsdag 19. januar 2017
Epletrollet redder verden.
Epletrollet er et spiontroll ( romvesen ).
Veldig snill.
Buster er også snill.
Epler må dere spise for å redde verden.
Teddy Sleeps Well. He is kind.
Teddy is kind.
He has left me for a new home.
Somebody did something towards me that was not kind.
The kittens have been protected and had it cosy here all the time.
I am kind.
Sleep Well.
Vetotopia. Veterinary needs everybody. Kind. I am not zootopia. U2.
He was the beat and kind.
He always walked in the back of the heard because he was different painted.
Cowgirl. Rodeomile.
Raised By Dogs.
" We were raised by dogs. "
Our dogs was the best and never trigged aggressive and raised us.
They commanded by barking no quarrel.
I write the book about our dogs :
" Raised by dogs. "
We said goodbye to a nurse dog that raised us, for some months ago.
She was called :
" Toya "
and her name was :
" One step closer "
from the album :
" How to dismantle an atomic bomb "
The dogs was the kindest in the world.
They are the real best friends.
She guarded everything.
onsdag 18. januar 2017
My horse name was " Quality Dreamer "
He was the best, and i never let go.
His nick name was " Camaro ".
Kittens Talk To Me. Everything Is Kind.
It is for love.
Somebody talk about me.
I am kind.
Water is the best to drink.
Kittens say " Yes " to water.
tirsdag 17. januar 2017
Sometimes I Wonder.
Today has been a day in sorrow.
Buster left at 13:00 and he did not want to leave.
I was disturbed in how much panic he had in the cage.
Buster is a fighter and i wonder about how it all went with him.
Today i have only been reading " The Idiot " the novel i am writing on.
It is just the first sketch of the novel,
i wrote it in a hurry to manage to survive and have some proves in a novel on what i have been through, even though the novel is the new genre fantasy crime.
I discovered that there was a few mistakes in the novel.
But i am not a perfectionist but need to write the full novel and re write it.
I have been thinking a lot about my life.
I am living very peaceful and i am still without phone connection.
I got a new SIM card today, but dont have password to the phone companies pages.
I have been in very low energy and a bit nausea.
It is a hard time rediscover and memories what i have been through.
I believed that all psychiatric treatment was to get people well again and not on a diagnose all the time. All people can heal.
The movie :
" A Beautiful Mind "
showed a recovery after many years with illness.
John Nash keeps me in spirit that I also could recover.
I believe still that recovery is for all.
I sit now in the living room with lighted candles and a dyne over me, and pillows behind my back and play music.
It is not much but it is in the spirit in hope of tomorrow.
I hope all the suffering can go away.
Les og forstå at jeg er snill.
Du kan lese starten på bøkene jeg skriver på her :
På den provisoriske hjemmesiden ligger der fire ikon,
du kan klikke på alle og ha en god lesestund og forstå at i alle historier
ligger der en kime av sannhet.
Jeg har det veldig vondt av alt som skjer og kjemper for retten til å leve et liv.
Les " Idioten " og forstå at alle kan greie det umulige.
Det tar bare litt lenger tid.
Jeg kjemper for pasientrettigheter og at helsepersonelloven blir holdt.
Jeg får ikke lese min egen journal med den begrunnelsen fra leger,
at det er fare for mitt liv om jeg leser den.
Viss helsepersonell skriver en journal som er til fare for livet til pasienten er helsepersonelloven og lege eden brutt.
mandag 16. januar 2017
Band Thirteen Saves Me - They are good. Album : Nightingale
This guys saves me with music.
I chat with them.
POD har blamert meg.
Jeg har sendt to dagbøker til POD.
Etter noen dager fikk jeg en mail som ble feilsendt av en kvinne som arbeider i POD.
Der bøkene mine hadde gått ut til en liste som det stod :
" Venner av politiet. "
Jeg lurer på korrupsjon og har et navn på en veldig rik kvinne etter denne mailen.
Tatt ut drapssiktelse mot POD ( Politidirektoratet )
Jeg har sendt løpende informasjon til POD om hva som er skjedd meg disse årene jeg har vært isolert og den behandling jeg har fått av psykiatrien hjemme.
Jeg ble isolert i 3 år med innskrenket forbindelse med omverdenen og mistet hele mitt sosiale nettverk. Det ble ødelagt av politi, leger og sykepleiere.
Jeg er veldig snill.
Så snill at når jeg satt skjermet delte noen av de snille i personalet personlige problemer med meg.
Mange som arbeider i psykiatrien går selv på medisiner.
Jeg har fått nok i dag av å rapportere leger og hva de skriver om meg.
Jeg får ikke hjelpe av pasientombudet.
Jeg har ringt dem og de sa de ikke kunne hjelpe.
Da jeg satt på innskrenket forbindelse med omverdenen ringte jeg Justisdepartementet som man kan etter loven ringe til.
Jeg har aldri truet Norge.
Justisdepartementet kunne ikke svare meg på spørsmålene jeg stilte om min sak og satte meg over til POD som ble nervøse og heller ikke kunne svare meg på hvorfor jeg er blitt torturert i Norge og styrt til to selvmordsforsøk.
Det ene innlagt i isolasjon, det andre hjemme etter en rettsak hvor legen løy om meg.
Jeg trodde i psykiatrien man skulle få hjelp, mestring og styrking av ressurser og håp for fremtiden.
Noe de ikke gir meg.
Sendte mail til POD og skrev jeg tar ut drapssiktelse mot dem.
Psykiatritjenesten avslørte at Politimester Bøen hadde med kontrollkommisjonen å gjøre.
Close Down Guantanamo !
I really believed that Barack Obama closed down Guantanamo.
To torture people is just to be the same way as them.
The Human Rights
are broken.
To show humanity and directions and education to people gets out the secrets and the plans.
Violent treatment only creates walls and more hatred.
I had never tortured anybody.
And really believed that Barack Obama hold what he promised.
He did not close down Guantanamo.
I Am Kind.
This is how i look at my son.
He has taken the picture and gets the best out of peoples spirit.
I am kind.
Now I Know
Somebody tries to control me and i do not get help from the police.
The doctor wrote something that reviled everything and she used ...
about the police and some others.
I had visitors of the psychiatric treatment team and they asked me about the control commission that shall provide me the best and secure care.
I have not got this and know they work around me.
We talked about the control commission that i file a complain to, to get my life back and in my hands.
They have broken human rights and isolated me for calling the police.
I am dying of the treatment.
And the psychiatric treatment team asked me if the police man " Bøen " was the boss for the control commission. He have after what i know nothing to do with this.
But i understood manipulation because " Bøen " is the boss for the police unit here where i live.
If something happens to me now
i write on my novels.
I can die of what they do to me.
Somebody knows.
And at " Bottom Price " many of my friends was.
It is a kind and secure place to shop.
I am safe and in The Lords hands.
Starten På Mine Bøker Kan Du Lese Her
Det er en herlig vinterdag, og jeg skal ta farvel med Buster i dag.
Jeg har vært ute og gått en tur og tenke meg grundig om.
Hva skal jeg finne på uten kattene ?
Jeg skal skrive.
Bøkene mine finner du her :
Der er fire ikon og du kan klikke på hver av dem og ha en god lesestund.
Jeg er lei meg over at kattene måtte omplasseres.
De har hatt det veldig godt her hos meg og ikke minst koselig.
I hele natt har Buster lagt inntil meg og sovet.
Det var som om han tok farvel med meg på sin egen måte.
Jeg er glad i dyr,
men andre mennesker vil ikke jeg skal ha dyr.
Jeg fikk en klage til Mattilsynet på meg når jeg var innlagt på sykehus.
Kattene var alene i en uke,
men de hadde tilsyn to ganger per dag og hadde hverandre.
Viss jeg ble lenger på sykehus ville min familie hente kattene hjem til seg.
Jeg forstår ikke hvordan mennesker kan være så vonde mot et stakkars menneske som bare vil leve i fred og forme sitt eget liv.
Buster reiser i dag, de som skulle omplassere ham fikk ham ikke med seg når de hentet Ted.
Buster gjemte seg og ville ikke dra.
Mattilsynet henla saken mot meg fordi de fikk vite at kattene hadde det bra.
De er passet på med mat, mye kos og lekenhet og veterinær.
Jeg tør ikke å ha dyr på 3 år over det som er skjedd.
Jeg må finne meg et nytt sted å bo og skal få livet mitt mer stabilt så jeg slipper innleggelser.
Jeg håper folk lar meg være i fred med dyrene mine i fremtiden.
De som ringte mattilsynet ødela for meg.
Jeg kan ikke ha en belastning der andre går rundt og melder saker på meg uten grunn.
søndag 15. januar 2017
Maroon 5 - Moves Like Jagger ft. Christina Aguilera
I can move like Mick Jagger...i practiced isolated.
330 Skvadronen Episode 2
Svein Ove Roald - Rescue Man is the strongest man on earth, he is my brother. Kind. Love Sea King.
I am kind.
Ted Saves My Life
This is Ted in his new home.
He is in a caretaker home and people that want him can contact the animal protection center in More and Romsdal.
He saves my life and is doing very good together with other cats.
The doctor has lied that someone took my cats away from me.
It is not the truth.
The cats has been doing fine and i contacted the animal protection center myself to give the cats the best homes.
I do not have animals on 3 years.
I might get two goldfishes but i am not sure.
Buster is still here and is doing fine.
He sits together with me all the time.
I have written to the animal care taker center about writing health plans for animals.
Books that people write about they're animals health to give them the best care.
Nobody has done it before.
The animal protection can earn a lot of money to provide for they're work with this health plans.
( Door )
lørdag 14. januar 2017
Eye Of The Tiger
I made it through.
Metallica walks out of everything because of doctors using in a manipulative way in epicrise :
The doctor threatened me.
The Apple Troll And Buster. Kind.
My cat has it very good and he is kind.
He loves to stay beside me and play when i draw.
The apple troll i draw and write about.
Buster is though.
He was the most afraid kitten i have ever met.
But he turned out to be the bravest and rough.
He is kind and he talks.
To My Son.
This is how i look at my son.
He took the picture and is a great photograph.
You can see in the pictures he takes that he has his own touch over humans spirit and love.
He brings out the best in people.
Youre mommy can not take so much more
it is because of doctors and some others.
Read my blogg when you feel up to.
I love you.
As much as the skies and all heaven.
" To infinity and beyond ".
Bryan Adams - (Everything I Do) I Do It For You
Bryan Adams - (Everything I Do) I Do It For You
If i can not put out this song, i think google does something. I walk the line.
If i can not put out this song, i think google does something. I walk the line.
The Doctor Lied
The doctor wrote a lot of bad things about me.
She could have killed me if i was weaker.
Doctors shall protect and save lives.
This doctors does not.
Sleep Well.
Eat Apples - From the little prince returns and the apple troll ( Very kind )
Everything is kind and eat apples for peace.
To have a glass apple brings peace to yourself and you're house.
I give mine away and say to Luke Graham - laugh.
Nobody leaves.
People remembered in our hearts never leave us.
Le Petit Prince.
La Vie En Rose.
Dan Brown.
The flight of Gagarin, at movie theater! " First in space ", (The best s...
Juirj Gagarin landed here on these islands where i live to thank people for saving russians during ww2. My dad was 10 years old and bicycled to the airport and got a picture and his name. We never forgot jurij gagarin. We are kind. And have a signed picture of this man from Russia.
Green Day - American Idiot [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
I understood billionaire and write the idiot to save FBI and Police.
Avicii - Hey Brother (Lyric)
I finally understood Garth Brooks and " Friends in low places. " Cheers.
Five Finger Death Punch - Wrong Side Of Heaven
I understood what the doctor did against me. Survive and have high hopes... save rock and roll. Band thirteen.
I looked like this in year 2000
and it attracted billionaire and he hurt me and is dangerous.
This is how i look now :
Viva En Mexico - Rodeomile
Now i understand.
I had an Mexican boyfriend some years ago.
He was a bull rider.
He gave me my best present ever to save me for life.
That is this saddle and it has my initials on it.
It is with Mexican silver.
I ride again.
Object relations is that i never left my dreams for a better life.
Pussycat they do not like,
and the doctor wrote bad about my cats that have a good time.
They lie.
Never forget you're dreams.
And someone from USA did not like that i rather went with a Mexican bull rider.
He said to me :
" Never forget you're dreams. "
The saddle go with me back to Mexico when i am better and have saved up money.
... ( From a doctor )
I got the form from the doctor today from a law firm.
Objection relations the doctor broke for herself and i understand that international persons are in my case.
The doctor wrote
" She talks about Barack Obama, James G...police. "
I understood because the same doctor have been sitting vagface to me for over 10 years and killed me today.
I survive but will be dead woman walking.
She meant James Guidry.
She said she did not know who it was,
but she reviealed that she knew.
Someone is sky high and asked me to stop listening to Metallica. selfdestruct.
They try to destroy me.
And it is because of " G "
Dan Brown Saves My Birthday
Someone did something to me at my birthday in 2012.
My birthday haven't been the same since.
saves my birthday with the eager that i can not wait for that day to arrive faster.
" Origin " is released
" Do not show me the money - show me the man. "
I am the first in world history to say this line.
fredag 13. januar 2017
Sia - Chandelier (Official Video)
Buster the cat revieled that someone has picked crystals from my chandelier.
My chandelier is named : " Diana. "
Robbie Williams - Angels
They want to save Robbie Williams. Someone asked me to please listen to Robbie Williams, and they know he understands.
They Did Not Lie.
Now i am wondering.
There was a meeting about me today with the doctor.
My brother had forgot about the meeting.
It was about reducing the medication i get
and give me better treatment.
I am wondering. ( ? )
Painting The Tiger
" Walking The Tiger "
is a good book about healing traumas.
Try to paint for mindfullness and joy.
Painting gives you new perspective about who you are.
It is a kind Tiger.
Tigers are not the most dangerous animal in the world.
Tove Jansson.
My Brother Did Not Do Anything - They Lied
My brother is kind.
He was here today and gave me cigarettes.
Tove Jansson the author and creator of " Moomin " smoked her whole life.
My brother understand something.
The psychiatric team told that he had asked for a meeting with my doctor to talk about the situation.
My brother had today no clue on this and was honest and told :
" I have never heard about this. "
torsdag 12. januar 2017
Harry Kvark en bok om meningen med livet. Snill.
Jeg har lagt ut det første jeg har skrevet om psykologiprofessoren
Harry Kvark.
Du finner den på min provisoriske hjemmeside som dere må tåle ikke er så veldig bra.
Jeg kan lite om design av sider og må øve meg opp.
Men jeg er ikke så nøye på det.
Klikk inn på :
og klikk på ikonet med " W ".
Abonner på:
Innlegg (Atom)