tirsdag 3. januar 2017

How The New Psychiatric Treatment Should Be In 2017

The psychiatric treatment in the world dont focus on the living mind.
People have the ability to learn and can learn new behavior.
There is something given by God and that is a new day.
There has to be impleted in the system that people have the ability to feel.
Empathy and love among patients has to be understood by the employees of the health care system.
It is healthy to feel love and empathy and a fellow destiny and learning about the system in the psychiatric field.
Patients that survives years with treatment are good teachers and they develop often a good sense of humor. They develop also a high talent in forgiveness.
The psychologist have to look at the patients experience in the psychiatric health field.
Every patients learns about how they are being treated.
A patients managing to go through years of suffering and still holds on is a very strong person.
Psychiatric doctors tend to only treat by medicine and show very little care for the patients medical health and spiritual life. It is my experience that the quality in doctors treating people with mental illness is not good.
They tend to communicate very badly and also force the patients to speak very little.
Silence gives only deprivation in treatment.
The spirit of the living human is to be found in patiens that they can take education in hospital and in recovery to teach them skills to handling life.
I have seen very good artists in patients and talents that has taken my breath away.
It is hard for me in empathy that they're lives is not being allowed to dream about they're future.
The treatment i get dont give me much hope.
They dont strengthen my recourses and i work alone with a nursing plan i wrote for myself.
They did not manage to organize to write a plan together with me.
I write novels and think new thoughts all the time.
I have the ability to learn and my new iPhone gives me teaching abilities with the university Apple has. Patients can recover by experience and aging.
Mental illnesses tends to develop in the 20 `ties.
And people change.
There is a life being lived in each patient and they are most often not ill all the time.
The psychiatric treatment has to look on the reality that a diagnose dont show itself all the time.
It is hard for a person being labeled with a diagnose and given no future.
It is against the health care law to not strengthen they're recourses and give them the best treatment possible. 
I understand that you can unlearn psychological symptoms by teaching and environmental change.
To stay in the problems only give you more problems.
Recovery is possible for the patients managing to keep they're personality and feelings organized.
It is allowed to draw lines of others behaviors also from patients.
It is a healthy reaction when other people ruin you're life.
Psychologist needs to listen to patients that has to have treatment for the treatment.
How can this change ?
By giving the patients control back again.
That they are listened to and that they`re needs are fulfilled.
A Health Care system needs to know what basal needs are and dont treat people deprivating.

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