onsdag 4. januar 2017

This Christmas Someone Played A Trick On Me At My Home

I do not leave my home often because someone has stolen two keys from me.
I can not look the door.
This christmas i only left my house for a hiking trip together with my brother.
Someone has been in the house and ripped of a post it note in the kitchen closet with the phone number to my landlord. I can not photograph that.
They have taken a small part of the post it note and written the numbers 12 on the note.
And they patched it on a biscuit pack on the logo " Sætre ".
A police man has the same name and is kind to me.
Teddy saves his life and mind by getting on the kitchen table when i took the picture.
Teddy stroke himself gentle to the phone, my hands and the biscuit pack to tell that there is no danger and that biscuits are cosy and kind and some healthy.
They have been playing tricks of me at home and i miss a lot of things.
Books and wires to my photograph lense and a computer.
I am scared.
But the cats comforts me and are extremely kind and social.
It is very kind cats.
The sorrow is that someone do not want me to have cats.
They take away from me all that i love.
Someone filed a complain on me as a cat owner when i was hospitalized for a week.
The cats where alone at home.
But they are two brothers together and takes no damage social of being alone.
People leave they're cats at holliday and that is normal.
I am so sorry over this and do not want people to hurt me anymore.
So i replace the cats to the animal shelter and protection tomorrow.
I will probably cry a lot to loose my guardian angels.
They sleep together with me at night and keeps my mind steady and stable.
Teddy also showed today that i am no danger angry.
I talked strong to the doctors and the funny part is that the cats are safer on me when i am angry.
Teddy was in my lap and in my hands nearly the whole time the doctor was here.
Teddy is very special and do a lot of things to lead me mentally to good stuff.
Teddy saves a policeman life by showing that there are no danger with the mental trick they put on me.
I guess someone will ruin a policeman and me for having a good communication.
This policeman is kind and listen to me.
Teddy and Buster was looked after by other people all the time i was hospitalized and it was only for a week.
If i should stay longer they would have taken the cats home to them.
Cats are one of the kindest thing a person can have.

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