I Live on a farm with a beautiful view to the ocean and a fantastic beach.
I was by God lead from the beach over some rocks to a place to see the sunset and to find the pictures of Benjawan. A beautiful and kind lady that passed away so very early.
Benjawan decided to donate her organs and five people lives a healthy life because of her.
I have suffered from images in my head of mental picture manipulation and Benjawan and her picture shows me that beauty and love exists even after we are gone from this earth.
I got lead back to the place two days later and lead into the forest to find a letter with pictures from her boyfriend. He loves her so much and restored my faith in that love is always around us.
He travels the world and place out pictures in memory of Benjawan and under the project :
" Show Benjawan The World. "
By doing this he also shows me the world and got me into dreams of traveling. I would like to see some of the places pictures of Benjawan is placed.
It is the story about love and the real story is that this story about Benjawan and her boyfriend is a better story than the movie : PS I Love You.
Nobody leves us after this life. Heaven does exist. And believe in love for you all.
This man i have mailed with send me a picture of Benjawan that i can hang up on a beautiful place i used to walk every day when i studied to become a nurse.
In the loss of someone love can find us again and help us to believe in humans again.
He mailed me all the places the pictures of Benjawan is, and this brave young lady has given life with her death to five people.
Pictures are to find of Benjawan here :
Lisboa, Faro, Scheveningen, Bangkok, Chian Mai, Phuket, Sardinia, France, Switzerland, Austria, London, Tallinn, Borneo, Castle Neuschwanstein ( Germany ), Helsinki, Namibia, Brasil, Botswana, Cambodia, Vietnam, Albania, Greece, Spain, Poland, Ohio ( USA ), New York ( Central Park ), Bodhgaya ( India ), Mexico, San Francisco and Seychelles.
In the Bible it stands :
" Love is stronger than death "
This man from Germany traveling around the world and showing the love and courage in Benjawan proves that this is true.
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