When you dont find the answers from the people you are closest to, you start to seek.
" Seek and You Shall Find. "
I found www.theschooloflife.com.
It is a web place that teach you what you dont learned in school.
Life teach you the right way to walk.
I understood Michael Jackson for several of years ago.
" Bad " means " Bath " in norwegian.
People tend to use different object relation theory for what they are.
The crucial thing is why should we need to show the world who we are all the time.
But you can come into a place you have to show the real you.
I found out that i am a nano personality.
Probably the first one in the world to have it.
I place my ego behind to fulfill other peoples dreams and pursuit of happiness in life.
I have to live with the term ego to make the personality understandable.
The true thing is that i dont need much in life to feel happiness and i give away a lot of domains on twitter to help others to get into a business plan for life.
Nanopersonalities want to save the world.
This means i sell all my material stuff and give the money i rise to UNICEF.
I have to get into a eco plan of living
and find my way
knowing that i am small in my personality.
Famous people can be examined by the country they live in and they're true purpose in life.
Robbie Williams show this in the song " Feel. "
Rihanna in the song " Stay. "
You can find out that there is a communication between different artists and it is exploring to understand.
I will not write about this much now.
But will come back to object relation theory.
Maybe all the pain you are going through is just to make you ready for a better road in life.
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