I am thankful over still being alive after being through torture in Norway.
I was from 2012 to 2015 isolated for these years without communication to the outer world.
I did not get information about the outer world and was refused to read papers and magazines.
Even the Bible was taken away from me at one incident of shielding.
It is against the law and i suffer from post traumatic depression after the treatment.
I have been under forced treatment for 5 years and i do not think it is legal when a person is kind.
It went so far in shielding that health care workers talked to me about personal problems and what to do in life.
Is the patient so very ill when this paradox occurs in the treatment.
I also was threatened by one doctor to stop blogging.
He wanted to keep my free voice off the line.
I have never been a threat against my country or against persons.
I only tell the truth.
I have lost all my social network and understand that there are few people being true in friendship.
They create fictional stories to protect they're own integrity and trustworthy behavior.
I have experienced mental picture manipulation.
Last time in an psychiatric open institution.
I chose to leave the institution after a day.
The media does not cover the story i have and it is not fame seeking or attention.
But to show how they can ruin a nurse and a single mom that understand a lot.
Today i watched the King of Norways new year speech.
He talked so much about granting people they're wishes from a wishing tree they have had in the norwegian castle park. He wanted to grant the wish for a free life to all citizens.
It was a lie.
People are being treated so bad in the psychiatric treatment and hospitalization that it takes life.
Norway is Europe`s worse country to be under forced treatment in.
Norway has had several complains from The Europe Council.
They have been put under the question on why and to give people human and professional treatment.
I have been controlled to suicidal thoughts and behavior.
I have written to the King for help and treatment for PTSD after isolation.
I have filed my novels about my treatment and personal journey through the mental institution landscape and treatment.
My conclusion is that people seldom give they're best at work.
The dialoges in the units is mostly between health care workers about they're own interests and very little communicative towards the patients.
I have been sitting in silence for a long time hospitalized without communication.
Subjective language and ways of communication should be heard by the people working in the units.
Observation in behavior dont give you the right picture because people are not mind readers.
I am ruined mentally and physically after these 5 years.
I need treatment for the treatment.
The Kings Speech was not related to the truth about Norway.
A gouvernent attorney did not help me in court.
She was against me.
The doctor lied and was aggressive and it lead me to a suicidal attempt.
It should be illegal to put patients through this during hospitalization.
Norway is not a country where you can start over new with a new day to hold in faith that things can change if you have been under forced treatment.
They used all against me.
A doctor from Hungary gave me 10 months in security unit with high medication of writing that i looked for my son in my suitcase.
The reality was that i was well and looked for a picture in a frame taken of my son by the time i gave birth to him.
I did not understand this before i read my journal months afterwards.
The doctor should have been given prison for writing this about me.
She did not understand the language and held back information i gave her about ideas i work with.
I have had so hard times that it is a miracle that i live.
The King is informed about my case and i have also called the castle to get help.
But i got refused in an aggressive way by the woman taking the phone.
I take out case against the state of Norway for controlling me to suicidal behavior, suicide attempt and ruin my physical health.
The police is informed with that i have sendt them my novels in what is really going on.
My journal was taken away from me by law, that there is danger for my life if i read the journal.
If doctors and health care workers write a journal that is a threat against a patients life the law has been broken.
I plan to give out my novels and my journal as a book.
The journal will be commented by me in what is the reality.
When Russia attached Ukraina i got a panic attack.
The doctor wrote then that i thought i could control the world.
It is a lie and pure fiction in the imagination of a person that do not manage to communicate with patients. I have never believed i can control anything.
No lawyer help me.
They refuse to take the case and the one i had with last time did not do a good job.
The King of Norway does not understand the real picture of Norway.
You dont see the ground and the realism before they make you crawl.
I am always thinking new thoughts and is not paranoid schizophrenic.
If i had been i had reacted very bad on an overdose of medication given by a nurse.
I should have 5 mg Abilify because i already was on heavy medication.
She gave me 25 mg Abilify.
I nearly died.
My blood pressure went down to 64/43
and it probably was lower.
I heard a voice from God in what to do for surviving.
I have never done anything so destructive as this nurse.
I wonder why i am under treatment and why they dont talk to me.
I have no psychologist to talk to.
I need to understand and forgive.
It is really a murder case against the health system.
5 years on forced treatment.
Stolen freedom.
Threats from Doctors.
Lying and fictional thinking in doctors.
I need help from a good human right attorney.
I know the reality for the people under forced treatment.
It is not human.
A 20 year old innocent boy was sent to 3 months isolation and controlled treatment.
He did not have the health to it after having had three heart attacks.
He was without examination from medical unit and had no heart medication.
He was sad because he did not want to have his last time in life under psychiatric treatment.
I pray for the patients of Norway.
The council that shall help patients through rough and wrong cases do not want to help me.
I go into a new year very sad about the state Norway are in with forced treatment and isolation.
Isolation is very dangerous for peoples minds.
There are a law that it only shall be held for 24 hours because of the danger.
With me it was 3 years.
I am a big question but know that there are people helping out.
But it is hard to forgive meaningless and harmfull treatment.
I hope someone understand what is going on and give us that suffer a lot a way of hope and a road to a free life.
I live in a small sparkle of spirit and hope for this to come through.
Freedom to all people and a way to start over new.
It is a human right to have
Right to life.
Norway has not given me this.
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