tirsdag 7. juli 2015


Some times something more reveals itself and a wise old lady in the family gave me something i chase all my life. My true journey started when my son was born and i was all mommy and it gave me back life to see a happy and peaceful child in my arms. And he still is peaceful and a grown man giving me good advices and reality check. We talk very good together. We are conversationers and love people. But now he is grown and i have to face a different world, and with Pegas One - the horse that saved my life with being for me the real Black Beauty there came back memories from my childhood. And something i forgot. The old wise lady knew that i was not happy as a child. I wrote letters to her and composed poems to her by the seaside. I was a dreamer. And i lied together with my brother listening to : " The never ending story " . The old wise lady gave me one day an ivory ball. And i did not know how valuable it was before i got back to horses. There is thousands of ivory balls in the world. But the one she gave me was very old and was so little. It was not bigger than a marble and had three balls. And she said : Noone will never understand the smallest ball ". She also said : " Guard it with you're life. " It got stolen and i remember what happened. And i know it exists today but i don't know where it is. She said : " There is only three of them in the world and it will help you as an adult. " I sat often with the ivory ball and dreamed, and my dreams got more beautiful than phantasia and with Pegas One i have tried to write the real story about my life and mysteries and that we can grow as humans on illness and show that you're biggest fear can become you're largest strength. I go when i am well again out on an adventure. To find back the ivory ball. And if someone should read this and know something please contact me. The old lady also said : " This is some of the mysteries by God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost - but i call the Holy Ghost the Holy Spirit. More i can't write right now i am in a hurry working with domains.

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