søndag 30. november 2014

I Am Finished With A Self Help Book For Mental Help

Today is a great day even though i have been to the doctor for stomache pains. I nearly fainted and trow up because of pain. But i got help and took Ibux to recover and it helped. I live by the moments and walk on easily and dont stay in trouble and pain and have by the years developed a lot of self esteem even though i have been diagnosed with a mental illness. It is stronger to have self esteem living by a diagnose and have some issues to work with every day. But it is possible to be symptom free and live a natural good life. Everybody can recover from a mental illness. There is always hope and i have written a different book whithout diagnosis. Because we are not our diagnose and most of the time normal. To tell you the truth it is harder to live with anxiety than psycosis in some cases because there are negative and positive symptoms in a psycosis. But my main goal is that diagnosis should go away. It is the persons own personal life story that means something and looking at a persons life there always will be something to find in what can cause anxiety, depression or psycosis. And all can go away with coaching, nursing and the love towards God. That you know that something higher helps you out. It is fully possible to get even stronger than before recovering from illness and have a more happy life because you value youre life different. When you get into a illness change youre goals. Go for what is possible even if it is so easy to manage a dinner with friends. Be open and not hide away. But you dont need to tell all the world that you suffer. To be strong is to be not scared about what other people say about you. When you met youre life and youre goals you see that the sun shines through. But with making goals know that life can happen and dont get worried or devastated if you dont reach youre goals. Mostly what people wants is inner peace, peace of mind, happiness and joy and not at least to feel safe and relaxed. The self help book is how to get in harmony with youreself and meeting life. There is a good life waiting for everybody and the book can be read by people not having problems as well. It is to tell you that you are perfect the way you are and dare to show the world youre inner self. Not the person you believe you are by a mental illness, but the person you really are all healthy. The book will be published in about 3 weeks on e-bok here in Norway and i am searching for a transelator over to english to present the self help book for the world on kindle, amazone and apple. I hope the book can help as many as possible to always keep safe and be at inner peace and having a good life no matter what happens. I have that. Troubles comes around. But i stay confident and dare to blogg about symptoms the most people try to hide away from the rest of the world and end up in isolation. My main goal is that everybody can live free, safe and happy lifes and be strong no matter what so that they dare to meet life and create a happy and normal family that always is best friends. I have a very good life and am happy today. I have had visits of friends and lighted candles in the winter coming around. It is soon christmas and my hope for the book is that someone can celebrate theire best christmas ever by looking at the world with new eyes and with a true heart. I hope you all are in strong health and if someone suffers, Never give up and my book is on the way. I am nearly a living miracle after all i have been through and there is always help. Dare to look for the best help you can get. And stay youre true self. Then the worlds opens up and you get it better than ever. Good Luck To You All !!! :-)
" There is always an answear and always help - never ever give up. "

lørdag 29. november 2014

A Beautiful Mind

This movie was extremly popular when it was released and i saw it and thought it was very good. The man in the film still works as a professor and has recovered from schizophrenia. He teaches classes today and is extremly good. I have not been as ill as this man was in the movie and is not as great mind as he is. My intention for life is to live easy and have a happy and social life. But it seems like someone wont let me go. Thursday i was out two times. One time exercising at the gym and one time at a two and a half hiking trip with dinner aferwards with a friend. When i arriwed home i showered and relaxed and did not notise for late night that someone had been inside the appartment and moved on some things. I keep it tidy but not catalogue tidy. I like homes that show that people lived there. I saw that my pen and pencils was all lines up in a basket and i never do this. And the pictures i have on the refigerator and the magnets was moved on and some picture i had not hung up was moved on. I got scared and thought immediatly : " If someone was after me they would have done something to my medicine locker ? " I went stright ahead to the medicine locker and it has been empty for years and i took it out of a closet from the house i moved out from and at that time it was empty. I looked inside it because i had seen in it for some days ago and it was empty then also. But thursday i found a packet note about a medication that is awful. It was no tablets there only prescription in how to use the drug. I called the police straight ahead and they got the evidence and they want to go through who has keys to the appartment. There is several keys to the appartment. I called around all my family to ask if some of them had use the drug when i was away but nobody had. So someone dont want me to relax and manipulate me in an awful way. I am a bit scared not feeling completly safe, but i am all relaxed inbetween and sleep well. I dont understand why someone wants to do this towards me. But i hope the Police finds out something. I could have gotten a nervous breakdown but i am strong and has been through this before for three years ago. But nobody believed me. And i dont have evidence for that case. It is possible to click a person into schizophrenia by doing this to someone. And it is a hard crime sentence doing this towards somebody. I cant fight this alone. And i dont have much evidence, but i write my crime novel inspired by a true story to get the story right and find the person(s) doing this to me. Someone dont want me to be well and happy but lock me in at a mental institution and i really dont know why. I go with my case at the hospital to UN and The Human Right Court in Strazbourg and has gotten all the information and schemes from UN`s office here in Norway. To break human rights with isolation for seven months with max 20-30 times outside is torture against a human and you can get psycotic of this. I kept my reality by the love of God and i talked to myself to hold out the lonely hours inside the closed unit. I am ready to fight for myself, my son and other people beeing treated bad in the psyciatric field and for the human rights to be held by all time by Norway. I read in the paper some days ago that this area in Norway is the one using most forced treatment on patients. I am not so very scared. But have the will to go for the case to have the right to live a good and easy life to recover again. I am educated as a nurse and has read the law for Norway and The Human Rights. The hospital broke many laws, Norways law, UN`s CRPD and The Human Rights. I really dont know why they treated me so bad but there must be a reason and i am about to find the reason. I will write on Monday to get all my hospital journal and see who wrote subjective and who wrote objective and what they wanted out of the treatment. In my journal of prosedure in treating me there was a line that saied i should not proffit on anything. And that speaks for itself. I should not have it kind and it seemed like they did not want me to get well. I was upset by this. And i really dont know how they can treat patients well by doing it this way. Psyciatric treatment is to be accepting, kind, loving and lead the patient until the patient can lead themselves. They told my son under a meating that i could not put my thoughts together. And he had not seen me for over a year, and he was in pain. But when he met me he got so happy and relieved because i could get my thoughts together, and at that time i wrote a whole book with quotes. I have not written the quotes here. They are written in documents ready to go to a publisher and is to people in illness, crisis, grieve, depression and anxiety to get well and hold out anything until better times comes along because it always does. The book will be published as a e-book and ready for all the world in english. And to all people having a rough times. Hold out anything and complain about bad treatment as a patient and in regular life. Dont let people ruin youre reality by telling you that it is not true. But find someone you trust talking to, it can be better than treatment with reason and conclusions by someone else. I got that in my life and it saves me. People have different challenges in theire life and it is okay to fight for youre rights. It may save others to. I hope everybody on earth can live free life with control over theire own dreams and theire goals. And when you get to be youreself completly you often find out that you dont want to go so far with youre goals. So find a best friend. They are always there and let them come with theire meaning it is easier to let go of problems then. I hope you see the film " A Beautiful Mind " and knows that shizophrenia is not dangerous in 97. 5 % of the cases. And it is possible to be cured. I watch the whole film again next week with soda and potatochips and relaxing and having a good time. Dont let other people ruin youre life. And seen from a different perspective it can be that you dont got a diagnoze. Hold on and be strong.
" Let best friends be there for you and listen to them. Together you can find the reality and the correct answear - Thank you so much my best friend in life. I love you ! "

torsdag 27. november 2014

Me And The Mona Lisa

Today is a great day after i cleansed myself out of thoughts of the world. I stay in my litle world at the islands and has studied The Mona Lisa silk print i got in a vintage store in April this year. To see a picture can take time and i have gone over the mysteries with this picture and thought about it on my own way. I studied it for over an hour and got to know that Mona Lisa probably was a bit anxious and worried when the painting was in action. It was huge at that time to be painted and Leonardo Da Vinci was a great painter and she knew it. She was proud, a bit shy, wise, wivvid and very kind. By the look in her eyes she probably had a funny secret and that was probably that she was in love with someone that knew about the painting and it was not Leonardo Da Vinci that was not obsessed by this woman but kind to her and tried to make her relax by telling her humourus stories. He was a great storyteller. Most likely was Mona Lisa part of a community that was writing and painting, you can tell that by her hands and her fingers. I have that myself. She had most likely a passionate temper not trying to be the most beautiful person in the world. Her hair is carefree and not done so much with. She was natural. Mona Lisa wanted to contribute to something. Very mysterious with humour and fun. Probably she was easy going to be together with. Leonardo Da Vinci wanted to show her at peace and relaxed. But then again it was huge for Mona Lisa to be painted by him. They shared something special. Leonardo Da Vinci was not sexual attracted to Mona Lisa. He cared for her and had her as a friend. They shared something that will be a secret for all ages. Leonardo Da Vinci was very kind towards Mona Lisa and made history painting her, and now the history also has a litle piece here with me with the silk print and it is a good picture. Nearly the same size as the real Mona Lisa in Louvre. I have made my own story about the painting and it is just gessing. But i look at Mona Lisa and someone she was in love with knew about the painting and i guess she married and had a baby not long time after the painting. She got known for her beauty and natural behaviour after the painting. You must remember that in that time there was no photography at all. It was huge to be painted. It is one of the best paintings in the world. I guess she had fallen for a very kind man that also might have seen the picture during painting. There was communities that worked together. Mona Lisa was very kind. She had stamina and a peacefull grace. And is one of the most remembered woman in the world. So if i contribute with my artistic wiev on the picture and my way of seeing it. I have studied art and people all my life and have a good eye for people in kindness. And see them as they are. I love art and want to travell the world to look on art. I have several books about art and each picture tell a story and some has messages and wants us to react. I guess Leonardo Da Vinci wanted to help a woman on her way through in kindness of a woman writing and painting herself. Maybe she was a muse of him. We never get to know. But maybe sometime we get to know what she was writing and painting. She was very accurate and in perfection in what she worked with. Everybody has theire own mystery and we never get to know in all cases what is wrong and what is right. I have just thought free around the picture and letting it tell the story i got out of it. I hope you enjoy the picture and the song and maybe you one day stand in Louvre, Paris and see the real painting. I have studied Leonardo Da Vinci for years and he was an extremly kind man wanting the best for the world on all levels. He was a master and a genious.
" You can open youre mind with art and see beyond it and the picture can tell you its own story. "

mandag 24. november 2014

The Truth Will Set You Free

Some say that the truth will set you free. And i have a pretty hard time in my life right now but are managing good. Something happened some years ago and that was that i met a man from New Orleans here in our city Aalesund the 16. May 2004. I was young and with no worries and extremly happy in my life. It was only one night out on the city and the day after was the 17. May and our national day so i decided with all my love to leave the man to go home to my son and celebrate our constitutional day in happiness. Because it has been the best day of the year for my son and me. It is the kids day with parades, flags, games and contests and a lot of ice cream and i have loved this day all my life. But the day is all ruined for me. Today i called the main office for UN in Norway and it was a hard call but i have to make it. I was to late to talk to them today and will call again tomorrow. Because i have been treated so bad hospitalised and also because of the man in met in 2004. I did not fall in love with him. But he was so kind to me and i felt home together with him. But i know that things always needs time and i had to chose my son because we had had a rough time. But i left the man wich i never reveal the name of because i want to protect him. I know not much about that man but he was a billionare and i got sad the day after because money can make problems. I wished that he did not had money. But i left him thankful and in care for making me feel a whole lot better in my life and i felt happiness together with him and we laughed a lot. We had a great time together. I cared so much for that man that i prayed for him in love for accepting me as i am when i am all me. He promised to come back to me but we never met again. But it was a good memory for life. I was not worried for him at all. But when i heard about the storm " Katarina " i got worried a lot. And i prayed the all time for him and the people of New Orleans when it was on the news in Norway. I was scared and worried and knew it would be bad. But i never dreamed it would be so bad. I prayed for years for that the man had to live together with the ones he love and i somehow think he does. But i have been in greave over all the things happening to the world and also to USA. I have loved the country since i knew about it as a litle girl. I have been there several times and has had a very good time " Over There " and like the people a lot. I wanted to go to Minnesota on Horse Back Riding after i saw the " Horse Whisperer " with Robert Redford and i know how to whisper to horses myself, i have studied it a  lot. And managed it good on my own horse " Camaro " as we called him in regular life but his real name was " Quality Dreamer " and he was a former Race Horse that was after us.horses of Hannover line. The horse saved my life and was so kind that he lied down for my son in love to him. Quality Dreamer is with me everyday and i hope to go back to the horses.
It is a question to me why it is so hard to go back to a natural basic country life. But the truth is Psyciatric treatment and a unit did not treat me good. They isolated me and gave me not proper food. I lost all will of life in that unit and tried to take my own life. So i know how hard life can be. To lose the will of life is hard but when you are treated so bad that you are forced into such an action something is extremly wrong because i am extremly kind and the unit knew it from earlier. I called the Police today to tell them about things that are important for the investigation of the hospital and why because the Police are investigating the hospital for breaking the health care law, UN`s CRPD and Human Rights ( i was not allowed to go out more than ca. 20-30 times in 7 months ) It was hard and i got wrong medications and got paralyse and deprivation in the body and lost a lot of weight. I was sendt to another hospital also and that was done against the law. I did not want to leave my son. And they did not give me information about my family at all. I was so scared but fought all i could to get my life back. And still do. But the thing i dont understand is why some of the nurses at the unit talked about the man i met in 2004. They tried to trigg me out, and i got worried, scared and angry. They are not allowed to do this. I am hurted because of a man i met that i loved so much that i did not want him. I wanted him to have a good life and i never wanted to hurt him or argue with him. Sometimes a love comes around that you love someone so much that you want to set them free and only stay as a memory. I hope the man is doing good. But i need to forget and walk my case. Because i walk everyday for the purpose of my life and that is to live in peace. I want children to grow up safe and i understood the world would be bad after 9/11 and was so sorry about the loss of people for the world. Because if you live in a country you can travell and we met people from all over the world no matter where we are. We are global citizens. And we need to walk in peace. I talked to my brother today and i told him that i walk for years for peace. If i do it on my own it is okay, but i hope more will follow me and i saied to my brother : " Money talks - People Walks ". It is possible to live a good life on less money because you dont need a million dollars to look like one. But i dont like to dress up so often and use easy basic clothes because i dont think it is natural to use hours in the bathroom because we all have a personality and that shines through always and i prefer to be kind and dress up at some occations when it is needed. It is possible to find clothes good in vintage stores. I bought a dress there that i after a while found out that Madonna had one simmilar but mine is more beautiful than her vintage dress and i gave only 20 usd for it. And after i have diet down the dress fits again now. And i will wear it for christmas. Celebrate the days coming around in happinness it is soon christmas and if you have troubles search inner peace no matter how the situation are because then the problems dont look to big to handle and you get self esteem to take the action you need because youre emotions dont take over and you dont do something stupid.
I write a lot these days by hand i have not gotten internett yet in my new appartment. But i dont like it there because it has very low standard and the heating expences will be expensive because whitout warming there get cold. So i decided by myself to move to England. And i have looked for houses there and it is cheaper to rent than in Norway and i have lost all my feeling of that Norway is secure by hospitalisation, so i move to a country with better psyciatric treatment that wont take the risk of breaking the law. All people have the right to live a free life in the world and that is what i fight for. I had not done anything wrong and had a volounter hospitalisation and got treated so bad. I have decided to fight for everybody with mental problems so they get good treatment, because there is all the skills and the money in the world to give good treatment. I got that in the end and got well. It is care and kindness. And when a person get to use theire talents all problems goes away. Even mentall illness. Live in the free life and dare to fight for youre rights. A hospital is the one true place where the law should be in safe hands. But it was not in my case.
I have hard times but good days. Me and Happy talks and i walk in rain and wind for peace and get a health care benefit also. I get in shape. I have done some Zumba also because i love to dance and it is good to stay in work it takes away depression and meaningless things. I am in ground level happy and at peace even though i have a hard time.
I move to England and does a make over on this blogg to get into vintage and good bargains to show how you can create a life out of a hopeless situation. So stay in there always and never give up. The sun alway shines again - even on rainy days.
Have a great day in a beautiful life and remember that you are beautiful in all you do because there is only one of you so tace care, somebody loves you even friends that has not found you yet so stay in there always we live on the most beautiful planet in this universe :-)
And by the record... the police hung up on me, so something is going on that i dont understand. We all have the right to be treated equal and be heard. So tomorrow i call UN`s main office here in Norway. So i tell you more about how it goes soon...to be continued...

" Money talks and People Walks - Walk for Peace - You Can Make It Through. "

lørdag 15. november 2014

When God Helps You Out To Inner Peace

Life is not the most easy thing in the world. We can get problems and some problems seems like they dont go away. But with asking the Lord Above for help and in prayers you get help. I am a christian and practise it in my own way. I have not changed my personality or the life i live much. But i got cured from a mental illness believing in God and constantly praying because something happens in youre cognitive behaviour when you pray. You easen down thoughts, conflicts and it grew from this a love to the Lord above that keeps me happy nearly thorugh all troubles and i manage to live a happy life with inner peace. It can take a time before you get stamina enough to pray nearly constantly but you change youre mental attitude to you have a guardian stronger than anything by youre side and it keeps you in joy, happiness and not at least love. Yeasterday i prayed for help in my regular day. I was at inner peace but did not have so much fun. The society is build up on perfection and to be fun all the time. But God want us to have inner peace because we are humans and many things can cause stress in our lives. I dont need much attetion i give people attention and is present in every moment because of my prayers and people seem to get joy and peace to be together with me. Love grow in others from kind people with love for orher humans.
Yesterday i was at the grocerystore, i struggle a bit in finding the food i like because i am food tired. I dont know what to make and is bored with this. But i asked for help and found food i love and that got me happy and relaxed. A good meal gets you thankfull and happy and give you peace and relaxation. At the grocery store i took a note from kirkens sos. It is a help telehopne in Norway and you can call them if you have problems. I called because i feel the society is so cold and that people put stigmatisation on people with diagnosis. And i met a loving lady that helped me a lot. I asked them for help to start a collect to children in war because that was one of the problems in why i got ill. I broke down seeing a girl that had lost her parents in shooting and she had seen it and was so scared that i had never seen a more scared person in my entire life. I wanted to help her but could not. But the church - sos heard my prayers and wanted to go with me on a collect to children in war to bring them pillow, warm blankets ( dyne in norwegian ), shoes, clothes and teddy bears. The woman i talked to needed to talk to others but she wanted to start it with me. I was so happy yesterday that my prayers was herd and i fell asleep happy and at peace.
Today i woke up to a new day. It is good weather and life smiled to me. I sat on the terasse just sensing in the mood of the island with the fresh air and seagulls and a sense of beeing all me again. My aunt came to me at 12:00 and we went to christian vintage store with a litle cafeteria. I met so many good people talking to me and wanting me to have a good life. And i met a psyciatric nurse and we talked about psyciatri and that i am going to lead a group of patients in cognitive behaviour. I told her she had to say to all her patients that people do get recovered. People was so kind to me that hapiness was boosting in me together with inner peace and i bought a book about believing in that for God anything is possible. And a plate in glass in different colours in blue and purple. I did not give more than 3 dollars for it all. Vintage stores is fun because you can do good bargains and thing can be nearly new in the store. And i am going back to buy books next week because i dont have much money this week.
I live in the litle with a great love from the Lord above that gives me possibilities to live a happy life. In that you dont need to be rich to make it through. You can nearly play magic with youre money if you look for sale and in vintage stores. I have a good beautiful appartment and beautiful things, and all has come to me through the secret - that you attract the things you need in life. I think it is lead by the Lord above that if you focus on the positive in life you get the positive in life.
You dont need a million dollars to look like one. You can do magic in scanning the stores and go a bit the extra mile to get good bargains. Find out what you need and write it down and stick to that plan and give it a go to ask God for help. He gives you what you need. And i need a social life and got it. And i function on a high level and stay kind in prayers for others, myself and the world. That people get what they need, and right now i focus on children at war to give the refugees what they need as a basal care. It is all i can do, but to help others is sometimes the road to healing and perfect love. Because what you give comes back to you. So love youreself and stay as kind as you can and you will see miracles happening. There is no need to be worried or scared. It is just to find the comfort of Gods love in prayers. And when you love God nothing can break you. Because you get a new dimmension in life that holds you away from problems and conflicts and you react different on them by letting go in forgivness at once and then you are free.
" Forgive and Forget is the Road To Personal Freedom. "

fredag 14. november 2014

When I Was House MD Hospitalised - The Truth Is Out There :-)

Everyday is a struggle against the past and i live happily, calm and filled with stamina until the side effects of the medications strikes in. Then I get very tired, but sometimes to stay alive is all you have to do. Life is a battle against problems and conflicts and to live a happy life is to daring to be yourself. Then inner peace occurs and you find happiness and joy. I have that in my life but to be in the society means that you have to interact with other people and it is not easy all the time. People are different and everybody has theire own reality that has to match together with the real world to act and be normal. The normal value in the medical society is not defined. You dont get a map that sayes what a normal person are. But people are so much. They are a set of personality, perseption, resourses, values and talents. Some people change from day to day by living life here and now. I am that kind of person. I dont have plans. I have nearly never formed a goal, because i see that when you set goals that life can happend and ruin them all. I have a everyday life i want to stay in and is normal in all kinds of things. I live by love and to stay kind and help other people in need. And i am totally convinced that all mental illness can be healed.
The truth about me is not easy to find in a medical journal on over thousand pages after several years with mental illness and different mental diagnosis. They never seem to get me. But what if i am just normal daring to have meanings and put question on todays medical treatment. I got hospitalised the 15. March 2012 and was voulonterly hospitalised and my son and my brother drove me to the hospital. After beeing treated in psycosis of my son i got so relaxed and back to reality that i had 52 in rest pulse in the acute unit. I thought that the hospitalisation would last only for a few weeks as regular and that i got the medication i knew worked best on me. But the hospitalisation lasted for 2 1/2 year with 1 year and 3 months in a city far away from here. I am still a bit confused on all happening because i got so bad treatment. There was no nurse plan until i got back to my homeland and was hospitalised in a unit that took care of my basal needs and i got to exercise and do hiking. Nobody gets well of isolation and beeing held away from friends for over two years. When i got hospitalised in March 2012 i was fast put to a closed unit and under shielding. I was allowed to walk a litle bit out in the unit and i saw patiensts in huge suffering. And the nurses was more into themselves. They just sat there and did very litle. There was no hobbies or interests to do and people need to use theire resourses and grow theire interests to stay healthy and get well. There is nearly no healing enviroment in the psyciatric climate when there is only silence. There need to be a healthy dialogue and the unit needs to be held in a interiour based control that stimulates to healing. There cant be messed around with horror and disaster movies and crime books and not beeing cleaned good enough. There is danger for contamination with many people hospitalised together. Basal needs has to be taking care of. Some doctors think that peace and quiet and medication is the only way to heal patients. But the truth is that mostly everybody wants to have meaning and fun in theire lives. People like a good laugh. So i decided at the unit to role play. It is called psycodrama and is when you play a role to see how the healing gets. It is to take people in to a real situation and help them to interact or to be themselves and talk what they feel and the truth. I roleplayed as House MD. I did this as a sign on that something needed to be done. That the doctors and nurses needs to go a bit the extra way to heal theire patients. It seems like that if one medication works good on one patient they seem to put all the patients on the same medication. Psyciatris treatment is based on dialoge and observing but you cant get hold of a patiensts picture before you talk to them.
I desided to give it a go to be House MD because none of my behaviour forms seemed to work. To sit still in a room and be quiet the whole day is not normal for me. I am social and talk to people and i was scared going completly looney in my head. So i walked out in the unit limping and strong and talked american with a males voice. I had taken the role of House MD. I went in and saied helo to all the patients and they got a different picture on the day because nobody got scared, they laughed. One girl on 18 years old followed me around all the time laughing and wanting to be together with " House ", she did not know Norwegian good and talked for the most english, and she could relate to " House MD " i was talking about the enviroment and talking to patients and cleaning the unit for depressive videos, books and gave the flowers water and sat down talking to the girl about getting good health. I told the nurses what i thought about the unit and they sent me to shielding. I played House MD to them for some days, and got the same treatment as him hospitalised. I can laugh now, but beeing House MD was a cry for help. That the treatment needs to get better and that they cant give up patients. Beeing House MD i was all clear in my mind and a clever MD wanting the patients the best and having the will to go the extra way for them to get theire life back. Patients laughed a lot and that the nurses and the doctor did not. I was shilded for 7 months playing different caracters and beeing busy with that because i knew that they would not let me out, and i sat for the most alone writing and reading and talking to myself. I was not so very ill, i just needed my regular day routine and my son together with me and my family and friends. The truth is that i think the nurses thought i believed i was House MD and put it to my diagnose. I did not believe i was House MD i just played roleplay and saw that i met the same problems as he does in the television show. It was hard to see that nobody talked sense to me. They did not ask me questions : Why are you playing House MD ? They just drew a conclusion and shielded me for days. I sat in totally isolation and i dont understand how people think in the health system that they can read minds and think that they can get the right story on the psyciatric symptomes by not talking to a patients. To treat mentall ill people is to accept them for all that they are, theire values, theire personality and theire flaws and wrongs. People are so scared of doing worngs that they end up wanting to live a perfect life, and that dont leads to happiness. When you are capable to laugh at youreself and know that you are a living humanbeeing with dynamical emotions that leads to the way you want to take in life you get cured. The perfect life is an illusion. People think 70 000 thoughts a day and it is possible with cognitive behaviour therapy to train thoughts so they support youre quality of life and leads you to happiness. People are not perfect and House MD is just a role caracter but it is recommended at the medical school educating doctors in Germany to see the show. To be House MD i discovered that the nurses and the doctor had no sence of humour and i was getting the same problems as he did with people. So the best part in life is to play youre own role. To be youreself because there is only one of you. Accept youre life and youre flaws and mistakes to lead you to a richer more healthy person that manage life and that is good enough. You dont need to be youre best all the time. And there is people that understand you no matter what. But for me the health care system did not understand why House MD was occuring as a person for role playing in my mind. It was a token on that the psyciatric unit was to bad and did not know how to treat people. I have heared many stories from former patients on the unit and they are not happy with the treatment. It is sad because there is enough skills to develope a good nursing for mentall ill people and so for physical ill people. People do get ill once in a while and i have told people : " Dont be scared of beeing you because every single person on earth needs a doctor once in a while. " We are humans not a role caracter so after a while i put House MD away because i needed to be me again. And beeing me again have lead me to work as a nurse again. A bit different, but totally normal with the passion for mentall ill people that it is 100 % possible to get well. There is by law and education to keeping the hope for patients no matter what. There is always hope as long as you live. So bee youreself and try to focus on the humouruous side of the world. Because people are funnier and stranger than you thing. If you live by the law and know it you have freedom to bee you. In all that you are and stay kind and love is my best advice, because when people relates to you as a good person miracles do happen, but to people you dont like or hold youreself away from, take a closer look and care, because it can be youre best friend ever because all in all the most common thing in the psyciatric treatment is that it is pretty new and they make mistakes. I have a project going on and that is to read my journal and make it a novel project to see the reality in bad and good treatment and how they diagnose by not asking questions and together with my journal there will be my own truth and what really happened. Nobody has done this before and todays society should know about psyciatric treatment because depression and other mental problems is rising to be the most common illness in 2020 by WHO. If the regular man knows how to treat psyciatric problems and know that there always is kindness and hope millions will be cured. Because we often live in an illusion believing that we are not good enough, but we are. Having a mental illness or no mental illness. Because do we really know what is normal. I find Hous MD as a strong caracter and a normal person and a very good doctor. Hope you have a good time, and remember to laugh there is people working with a passion that there is alway meaning in life and that it is possible beeing cured no matter what youre problems are. It is a nurses job to believe the impossible can be done by keeping the realism in the basic prosedures and to give love, care and sometimes a hug. Life is presious and we all want to live a good happy life and it is a human right. Talk to people and ask questions, you will be surpised that people are mostly honest and have problems in theire lives. You are never alone in this world, so dont give up before you have someone understanding you. Be loved because there is people loving the whole world and i am one of them. With or whitout House MD ;-)
" Surprises can come everyday to you and the person giving you the best gifts of life is the Lord above - stay in the run always - there is always humour in this world. "

torsdag 13. november 2014

To Put The Past Behind And Get A Free Life

To have had a mental illness is not easy. When you are well again you have to defend for someone that you are well again. Here in Norway people with schizofrenia get registered with the Police and they are not always easy to get out for. I have been treated bad by one Police officer and it is like they dont believe youre reality. I have acclaimed one of the units at the hospital i was under treatment with to the police for law breaking and lack of information, communication and not having basic nurse scills and not beeing a unit that can treat people isolated by the law. They broke UN `s CRPD and that is a law Norway is put under. I got very ill not given the right medication and treated bad by the healthcare workers. I had a volounter hospitalisation i though would last for only a few weeks. But i was hospitalised of bad treatment for over 2 1/2 year. There is basic learning in psyciatric to give the best health care provided. But it seems like many health care workers dont care for the patients and that is the first rule. I have decided to take the case to UN if i have to so nobody in this world gets the treatment i got. I was not allowed to go out more than 20 times during 7 months and the human rights ( see the link to UN ) sayes that all people shall be allowed to walk out one hour every day. It is to do exercise and get fresh air. There happened a lot more. But i grew strong out of this and are stronger now than ever, but i get tired inbetween but i stay in the run.
I have to put the past behind me, but it take some time and i am well again writing a self help book for anxiety, depression and psycosis after reading psycology and psyciatric litterature for over 20 years. It is possible to get well from all mental illness and patients can become youre best friends. I have a good life in a new appartment and function like everybody else and got today a new job offer to lead some groups of patients when i feel ready myself.
Life smile to me everyday, even if it is hard times beeing diagnosed and has to live with the diagnose for a while. It can be hard to get it away. But i do my regular life and stick to the nurse basics and cognitive behaviour theraphy and live well in my mind. i am kind and have people around me that loves me and that gets me to know that i live a fulfilled life.
Never ever give up during treatment of a mental illness. There is alway hope and sometimes it is the enviroment that makes you sick and not you. Try to focus eveyday on things to be happy for and a prayer to the Lord above helps always.
" Stay in there always ! "

fredag 7. november 2014

To Walk The Steps For Peace : www.peacewalkers.com

I got an idea for some years ago, and someone else also got it. But i dont know if it is the same idea. But a very good domain is for sale : www.peacewalkers.com.
My idea is that people can make a statement in todays world and walk for world peace and healthcare. Everybody can join and in all ages. It is to have meaning with the exercise you do and make a statement for world peace. I had enough 9/11 -2001 and wanted to work for Medicin Sans Frontiers when my child aged 22. I had to do the work and give all my love to my son and not leave him when he was a child. But now he is grown up and a stable, healthy young man with a strong identity. I am so proud of him.
I realised at 9/11 that the world went to war against terror and warfare. I wanted to do something and decided to write a novel against terror. And so i did, but i got hospitalised and put the novel on hold. But the novel is beeing written now.
I ask a question to people if they want to join me in health care for world peace. To walk as much as you can and if you want to be a peacewalker at www.peacewalkers.com. I dont have the money to buy the domain, but i can make an idea an go to the community office here at the islands with an idea of an organization for world peace. Where every step you take during the day is for world peace and to show safety and love to the world. I know the world can be saved and that terror can go away. It is to give knowledge to people about the world and the meaning of peacewalkers.com is that people can walk in all ages and with all kind of health problems and be included and not walk alone. But in groups that make the society friendlier and happier and make world peace.
I presented the idea on facebook.com yeasterday and has also written to Mr. President Barac Obama about the idea of an organization that walks for worldpeace.  I have not heard anything yet. But yeasterday i met an elder man that could hardly walk and he was in good warm clothes out walking and smiled, nodded like he knew something and saied : " Hi ! ". If elder people walk for the safety of the earth and to save all generations and children i would cry in happiness. Because we are all in this together. And to form world peace and get better health is a good organization. And the idea i have for the organization is that people can turn theire lives around to a better life. That people from prison to the once walking K2 can walk together and form an organization that includes everybody. And to give a healthy and safe soceity with love and care for eachother and that you never walk alone.
I hope someone will like the idea and maybe give a comment, and that people are willing to give one hour a day for world peace and gain health. And the organization will also collect in shoes and donate shoes to refugees. They walk for miles and many without shoes, even children and that hurted a lot.
Give everybody a chance to change theire lives in a good society that is secure and give love and care to eachother and if the elder walks that remember second world war and give theire advices to live a good life and stay strong so listen to them. They have still so much to give us and we cant forget them. Include everyone and know that world peace is possible. I know that many people have stopped believing in this but there is still time and we can form our time here together on earth by making a statement and tell the world we work for world peace. Walk on everyday and be loved. Every step you take can mean something for others and you are never in this life alone. Be loved for all you are and who you are. Stay safe, loved and strong.
" Remember that every step you take can mean a new life for another person and youreself. Make peace in the world. "

lørdag 1. november 2014

When Freedom Is Questioned

Society in the western world is under UN. And they have a value ruled law that nations are under to prevent that people with diagnosis is discriminated and that they are beeing heard. Yeasterday i was discriminated by a man when i was vanting to tell the truth about my hospitalisation and what i was put under and also called. I have suffered a lot of beeing diagnosed with schizofrenia. I am humble and kind and worked all the time hospitalised that the patients was treated good. I have today contacted an lawyer to help me with getting my life back and the people responsable for my condition to stand in control and responsibility for what they caused in my life and in my family. There are laws for treatment and to not be presented for what the law is is information lack and a broke to the rules of treatment. I have been very sad for two days and suffer a lot. It is supposed to be a society without stigmata against people with a mental illness, and i am not ill and will talk to a third part doctor to see if he put me under any diagnosis and to read my journal. And i am prepeared to go to another country to do this and prepeared to take my case all the way to UN. I was put under unhuman pressure hospitalised with isolation and got nearly no communication with other people and i had a volounterly hospitalisation so i dont really not understand a clue on the treatment i got. I hope the world can get together to treat people suffering from a mental illness with kindness and the nurse based treatment that the books give them knowledge of. There is enough information to give the best care for people, but it is the people that learn from this that is the key factor. I have always saied : " There is guidance in books and people shall give the best treatment in nursing that a humanbeeing is capable to give. " Else they have nothing to do in the health care treatment. It is the law in the most western countries and also under WHO. I hope people will get the best treatment so that they can get well again and live in the society as good citizens that works for a better world. I will have hard times the next weeks, but i hope you all are doing good. I dont hear voices anymore and think normal. But i get flash backs from the treatment and it hurts. But i stay kind and pray and sleep for recovering and eat normal and healthy and do fun thing. Today i sendt an invention to someone and it was fun and it is an idea that can turn the media around. I have presented the idea for a woman working with innovative ideas ans she saied : " WOW ". Dont ever give up if you have a hard time and love life. There is a sullution always but sometimes it can take a while to find it. But get good quotes on facebook and stay with them. They help a lot. There is several pages to like. Live a happy life even in hard times. And is youre freedom at risk ... get a lawyer :-)
" Hard times comes aroud for everybody, but some should not be there, but hope, pray and stay kind and get the information you need to live freely. Everybody is entitled to start over new. "