mandag 29. september 2014

I Survived Good A Boring Day

Days can be boring and unexciting and you think in the morning : " Will it be like this the whole day. " I had a very good day. I thought i could work on some ideas with health care inventions i have had for years and some new. I called the office in Norway for inventions : " Innovation Norge " and had a good talk with a man there. And then i followed his advice, so i sendt some ideas to a health care service that produces medical ideas. I have worked with this the whole day and it has been happy and good to know that i function again and is myself and have not lost my medical scills. The ideas are all new and is not on the market. One idea is my sons, and he got the idea when he was 8 years old. And it impressed me a lot. So never underestimate youre children. Let them grow in freedom and stability and do theire own interests. Then they will make it good as adults. So i am waiting on answears from the ideas i have sendt. So today i have been creative, and not wild and fun. People can esaly misinterpret you when you walk on the wild side. But it is fun. I stayed like that for years, but were normal.
I had visitors for dinner today a self componed chicken thai soup with extra spices in it and curry paste. It was good. And it made my day brighter. There is no reason to stay alone and be bored. It is just to invite guests and people tend to get very happy not have to making dinner for themselves and it saves them from using money. Grocerys are expensive but i make it through. I bought also ice coffe and had that on the terasse when the sun finally came back again after the storm.
Days can turn out exiting and i even called for riding lessons, to go back in the saddle. And i hope one day to have enough money to buy my own horse. I miss the horses a lot and the freedom in riding. No problem is to big on the horseback. They tend to get very small when someone carrys you. And it is good exercise. So i start riding again very soon.
Now it is evening and i have also cleaned the house today and washed clothes, and have to start to think about moving from the house to a municipal appartment but i think i will get it cosy there. And there is a terasse with roof over so i can sit outside the whole year around. But i look for a house to buy and has been to the municipal loan office to get a start loan and that seems to go good.
All in all it got a very happy and good day. I survived better than i thought and never thought this was the outcome of the day.
" Sometimes it is good to have no plan. Because the plan can come out of nothing. Stay bored for a while and know you can do things you have been waiting for doing for years. "

How To Survive A Boring Day

Some days seems to be boring. There is not much to do and you just feel up to do something wild and fun but the society makes you to not do it. There is different ways to survive a boring day. The first thing is to manage to get up in the morning and not read the news. It seems like the news is depressing these days so you can look at a fun page and have a good time for a while. The other part is to get some wisdom and then know that others have been boared before you. It is not a new feeling in the world.
To have a boring day is not good. It is like you feel that you can do something, you just dont know what. Today i will do something special to get the boring feeling away i just dont know what yet. I have invited people on dinner on a thai chicken soup and i hope that will make the day better. But i need creative stimuli to have a good life. But to survive it i have made coffe, turned on the tv ( to find out there is not much to see even if there is 29 channels. ) and smoked some cigarettes. I have laughed a bit about videos and will go bicykling in a while and to get everything away i try to keep on my daily routine. But when life gets boring dont mean that you are boring. It is just that there is not anything creative to do. So later today i will write about what i found to do today.
" A boring day comes a long once in a while - but do something creative and get the feeling away. "

lørdag 27. september 2014

You Can Do More Than You Think

I was on visit with my mom and had coffe and i was so tired after staying up late and sleep for long this morning. I felt up to do nothing. But it is blowing storm here and the power of the nature is incredible so i decided to go outside and see and feel this. I took my bicyckle on the first ride and it is a good bicyckle and it moved and felt good. I bicyckled around the whole island it is 12 kilometers and it went easy i am in better shape than in motnhs and i felt good the whole time with rain in my face and wind blowing in my face. I had to stop at some points by the storm blowing powerful. But it got to my mind that we people is incredible we can feel bad and be exhausted and think a nap is the best. But the best thing is to get exercise and i feel refreshed and not tired at all. We can do more than what we think and have often more power in us than what we feel. It was a fun ride in the storm. I am now making coffe for my brother to come and eat left overs of cackes and have a good time. I put out a video from the place where i live. Here is very beautiful and a lot of tourists is here summer time. But it is a good place for kiting and surfing in the autumn also.
" When you think you have gone all the way remember you have power in you to go all the way again . "

My First Day In The Fourties

I celebrated all day yeasterday and it was a good party. We had cakces, chocolate and coffe. Here were 12 persons at the party and i got good presents. I got an ipad, a bicyckle, a leather purse, orchids, roses and money as presents. And i had a great time the whole day. To be together with the whole family is good and makes me remember what a good family we are. My litle aunt child on 8 years showed me with the ipad, and i am impressed how good she is explaining everything. We took a lot of funny pictures and we laughed a lot. She did not want to leave for home after the party.
To be 40 is relaxing and good. It feels like i have slowned down a bit the speed on life and enjoy it more. It is good to be mature and secure on myself and know that i have a good life in front of me. I will do bicyckling a lot in the future, and the bicyckle is a hybrid bicyckle and even got winter decks on it so i can go to the gym nearly every day. I am so moved with all the presentes and that so many loves me. I am not scared of aging and look forward to the days and the life ahead. Today is a relaxing saturday with not much to do. My son and me will have a better dinnere and talk about life and joy and i am having it cosy inside the house in the first autumn storm.
" Dont be afraid of aging - life goes in circles and you can be in better shape than in the 20 if you work out good. Life is to be enjoyed. "

fredag 26. september 2014

torsdag 25. september 2014

The Day Before Turning 40

It is the day before i turn 40 and it is a good day. When less is more. I dont have so much in my life right now but i have the love and the happiness in me. I am still poor and it cost a fortune for me making a birthday party but it is not every day i turn 40 so i spoiled myself with extra chocolate until next morning. At 24:01 i turn 40 and it feels like it is going to be the best birthday i have ever had. My son is coming home from Oslo to celebrate with me and that is the best and the kindest birthdaypresent i can get. My litle painting student has ordered classes with her best friend next week and she makes me a drawing for birthday present. I will ask her later on for making me one more bracelet because i love them and they are cool. It makes me remember all the fun we have by wearing the bracelets. My aunt make me a carrot cake because i think she is the best in the world to make them and i get a photograpycamera or an iphone 6 so i can take pictures to my blogg from my family. I have guests tomorrow. Not many but people i love and means the world to me. And to stay happy i do by thinking turning 40 is quite okay. It feels good to go into smother water and not keep up with all the details in life. I have gone down in weight and my face starts to look like me again. But the thing turning older is that i am kinder and it shows in my eyes. Today they sparkled and i saied to myself when i looked in the mirror : " What is happening now ? " I got bit schocked. I am safer in my believes and in my values and know i can handle more than i ever thought i could handle and have found my way in life. I dont need the world around me but people i love and that loves me. I am more secure in who i am, what i like and what to do. And the most important part : I appreciate everyday for the life i have got and that i am so lucky to celebrate my 40 year birthday. Not everybody make it so far in life and by beeing a nurse i know this. I am lucky and appreciate all good that comes in my life. I am cured from a mental illness and have a good life to live with quality on. I am so humble and thankfull and not at least happy. I dont bother with small details anymore and to stop doing this changed my entire life. Life dont need to be perfect it needs to be lively, fun and happy and with all the love that comes with this words. I am happy and loved and that is the best birthday present i can get.
Now i have baked a chocolate cake to the children and is about to make a cheesecake. And for dinner tomorrow i serve gratinated fish in white sauce with garlic and cheese in it. It is for my son because he loves it so much. The secret in how i live so good is a blessing i heard from Dalai Lama he saied :
" Every Day Is A Birthday " and i celebrate life also in the small spaces of life. Knowing that life is larger there. Because you have time to really feel and than happiness comes to you. It heals mental illness. So to everybody ever having a birthday : " Happy Birthday Everybody " As Dalai Lama saied :-)
" To bake a cacke and invite people on an everyday can make it become the best day of youre life "

onsdag 24. september 2014

The Happiest Day Of My Life Was An Ordinary Day

Some days ago i got up in a regular everyday and i took down my favourite cup bought the first time my son was in London. I was not well enough to travell with him myself so i payed for the trip to my son and my brother. And the light and stamina in my son when he returned was worth more than money. It was worth a  lifetime of joy in memories. I got the cup from him as a present. It is an expensive cup so i use it with carefulness. I got in my mind a message when i poured coffe in the cup : " Today you will have the happiest day of youre life. " I got a bit happy but thought : " There is no extraordinary plan for the day so how could that happen ? " But i was happy. Regular mood with happiness. And i continued doing my regular routines. Doing housework, exercise and writing. I did not have visitors that day. I just was alone. But as i started to write all the plan for the novel got clear and i got idèas in how it can get ten novels. And as a vision came to me i found my way in life. It is good stories and i have sendt parts of the novel and the ideas to publisher and are waiting on answears. The strange thing was that all the mental cluttet from beeing put in a psyciatric unit went away and i felt all the love in the world again. No traces from the past were left and i felt happier than ever, mature and in a breeze of good feelings towards my son. I dont know how it is possible but i felt more love to him than the day he was born of the life we have had together. It was like someone put a gold frame on all the memories. And i found work for the rest of my life. I have such a good life. And it is possible to feel all new again in the age of turning 40. There is no crisis in my life turning 40 on Friday. I look forward to a happier life a bit more grown up and mature enough to sorten feelings out and have routines to stay happy. I am cured and stronger than ever and love life so much that it fills me with an incredible joy. I have been all happy since that day and laugh a lot. It is possible all this with asking God for help and let him guide you in the everyday. And to pray gets away bad thoughts. It take a bit of will praying a lot, but after a while it gets a habbit. So try, you wont regret letting God into youre life. There are everyday angels all over the world and today Bon Jovi is for me. The song " Thank You For Loving Me " is from me to God. I love the Lord above so much giving me back a better life than earlier. I found my way right before i turned 40 with more love in my life than ever. So never ever give up finding youre way :-)
" The day you find youre way you know it - be loved by the Lord above he will always love you. "

torsdag 18. september 2014

Kindness Is Found In Everyday

The day has brought so much joy to me and surprise. I have had visitors today by my aunt child on 8 years old. And we had a great time. I made pancakes to her but she did not like them, but i just laughed because the world is like this. They sometimes just dont like the things you do even if it is in great love. But the two dogs liked them. They ate up one each. Afterwards we had ice cream, bisquits and lemonade. We watched tv and my aunt child made bracelets. I am so lucky i got two. They even glow in the dark. The sun was low in the afternoon and i asked my litle friend if she wanted to paint. And she sure did ! I took out all my painting things and prepeared it for her. I put on Mozart and we sat in the afternoon sun painting. I just watched without any comment other than good comments. To see a child unfold in painting is amazing. I could see how clever she worked and how she got good brushing with the paint brush. The picture is extremly great and shows a healthy and good 8 year old wich knows her choises well. I am out soon for buying in new canvas so she can paint more. Mozart is very good for kids working with school work and paintings to listen to. It easen down the mind and does it easier to get into focus. She sat still the whole time and told me she liked Mozart. And Happy the budgie relaxed the whole time and blow a bit up in the feathers just relaxing. It has been a great day. And i am soon of to bed. Letting the good day all come to me and with peace in my mind go to sleep. The picture is here, and is so good that my aunt child shows signs to become a very good and original artist. I am so proud of her, our litle miracle girl. I love her so much ! :-)
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" Everyday talents can be found and it gives also meaning to other people. "

mandag 15. september 2014

To Save The World

I wrote a poem in 2011 and it has been out on the net in Norwegian since that and i decided in this late night to put it out on the blogg here in English. I hope my translation is good enough. But the poem is kind and is a litle piece of me wanting to save the world. It is easy to feel small in something so big but if we all understood the poem and acted after it the world had been saved :-) 
Here the poem are :

To Save The World

Today I will be the one I truly am
Am I the one i truly am ?
People can do so much
A man has walked on the moon
Another man was watching
This man was also with changing 
the world
We can change the world !
But we must believe
Believe in ourself
We can cooperate
We can save children in distress
We can save a life every day
One life is worth a whole world
Have you saved one life
Is the whole world saved
Dare to believe this
Give to all
We have more than enough as often
We think the material can save us
But we need
You dont have to be a christian
But you need to know that 
You are loved for the person you are 
and is also loved when you are yourself
Jesus died for us so we
could get a better life
a new start
Jesus changed the world
that we should
live after his words
Even if we dont believe in the same
So let ut live together
The world
by giving to each other
Buy a present to somebody you love
Surprise a stranger by giving a present
It cost litle
It dont need to cost much
Look after things that means something
Gods message is
In the world
of yourself
Give of love
and the more we give
to more forgivness and love it will be
as again
and in the end
Is it not worth giving a present ?

Mona Kristin Roald - 2011

The Right Song Can Heal You

No matter what you are suffering from music theraphy can help you out of any condition. When i had anxiety i used music a lot and i used this song for some of the sentences in this song. It is that if we are sourounded in beauty maybe someday we will become what we see. It is about beeing an everyday angel and have the right to be you in all youre life. Know that people always will love you no matter what and people do fall apart sometimes. Keep in touch with the people that always is around you and cares for you. You will love life again, heart ache, grieve, depression, anxiety, worries and all the things in life goes over. There is periodes in all lives with different feelings. Chose to live youre life the way you want it and beat all the hard feelings by beeing you :-)
" Music can be the miracle medication you need - love life. "

Get Out Of Fobias And Anxiety

I have had some moths with anxiety for some years ago but i overcome it by training my thoughts and my attitude. Anxiety is hard to live with and people hold on until they get relieve of the anxiety. It is easier to come out of fobias and anxiety when you know spesific what you are afraid of. The thing that helped me was a quote from Louise L Hay : " A thougth is just a thought - you can change it. " And so i did. Earlier in my life i was a very secure person not knowing what fear or anxiety was. And i got very scared when the fear got hold of me. But i refused to give up. I searched all over for answears and the best tip for overcoming anxiety is to train cognitive behaviour theraphy and eat regular. To starve and get low blood sugar can give you anxiety. And different hormonal conditions can give anxiety also. Train youre thoughts by telling youreself that : " I can do this " and " i am totally secure " and expose yourself for the things that give you anxiety. If you feel anxiety in a situation know that it goes over. And just be you. Conquer the anxiety attack by beeing you. And feel strong, you are strong when you dont give in to the anxiety. I found a page about overcoming anxiety and it is good. There are hundreds of ways to control fear and get the life you want. Remember that there is a lot of people suffering from this condition and you are not alone. If you are open about it you will get to know others with anxiety attacs and they tell you what helped them surviving the condition. Remember you are stronger than you think. And try to make the fear you feel smaller in youre thoughts. Like just a little idèa about what it is and that you are stronger and braver than ever before. You can make it through and live a good happy life. Another easy way to get over anxiety attacks is to start doing something new. Dont put aside youre life but take education, go to a class with youre hobbies, start to exercise, read all you can about psyciatry and live truly good in life. When you know youre fear and the scala from 1-10 in how bad an anxiety attack can go you know the depths of youre fear and you can overcome it with that you know youreself. Dont be scared if people see you have an anxiety attack because people are more friendly and helpfull than you know. Live life to the full :-)
" When you know youreself you have inner strenght and can live the life you want to live. "

søndag 14. september 2014

Quotes About Love

I have just got home from a bicycleride in sunny warm weather. It is Indian Summer here and i bicycled down to a kai/breakwater place that is very beautitiful and sat there for an hour drinking soda and relaxed and watched the sun and the sea, the seagulls and the birds. It was amazing. Afterwards i surfed the net for quotes and found " Quotes About Love ". There are even more quotes in different categories so have a good time reading. It is saied that a good quote work better than antidepressiva medication. So find quotes you like and stay to them. They can change youre life.
" A Good Word In The Right Moment Can Change Youre Life. "

Good Habits Make A Good Day

Every person has some habits and make them good. To everyday have something good to do makes a good day. Small rituals that makes you happy. It can be so easy to just have a good wake up routine and a good breakfast. To try to look for what makes you happy and do it over and over again prevents you from going down to blues or depression. I have a morning ritual that makes me happy every day and that is to start the day good. I get up early and make morning coffe and breakfast and eat and drink outside on the terasse if the weather is good, if not i turn on the tv and sit there for a while. It is not much but it makes me happy and try to get up so early that you have good time for the breakfast. I get dressed and starts the day with a smile. I have routines for when i am working with my novels and for when i go to sleep. It is easy steps that takes me in to a good life. A lot of happiness is happening in my life now and that is good. I embrace all the good things and try to stay in the moments with good memories about all happening. Find out what you like to do in regular life and start doing them. You find youreself more happy then, and if you have a bad day routines help you to get a better day, it is like a first aid kit against depression or blues. Good luck !!!
" Every day has happy moments - embrace them and stay happy. "

fredag 12. september 2014

Nightwalk On The Islands

I have just come back home from a beautiful walk at the island Giske. We, my brother and I walked by the sea in total darkenss lighted up by the stars and the moon. The moon is today hanging low over the mountains and is bigger than usual. It was so good walking there and talk and just look at the lights from the fish boats in the horison and see the stars. A plane landen on the airport and everything was calm beside that. The islands gives us amazing nature and i wished i had a photo camera, but i dont have one yet. I borrowed my sons earlier but he has moved out.
The evening has been filled with joy and guests. My brother came earlier with grocerys to make dinner and i had the two dogs here. It was nice to look after them and they made me happy. My sister and my aunt child got back from an art exhibition opening and stayed here for a while. My aunt child played guitar and tamed Happy. She gets to pet her now. And Happy sings when she playes the guitar. We have a good time in the family and do things together. It is so good to have them around. I love them so much and is very happy tonight and not at least peacefull after the walk by the seaside. Life is worth living everyday and rough times can go over to give you a better life than before because you can sorten out how you wanna live youre life and spend youre time. I thank the Lord above for the nature and the gifts in my life and letting me live so happy and good.
" When you see the stars at night you see one of Gods miracles. "


I have just went home after a few hours in the city. I changed not battery at the watches because they worked. The watches are new so there was lock on them to not use the battery. The women in the store started them for me, so now i have a digital sports watch on and a crystall silver watch for fashion days. I and a nurse sat at a cafè for an hour outside in the sun drinking mocca coffe. It was nice to sit there talking and just watch the people passing by. It is beautiful weather here and i am totally okay. I am not scared or worried for anything. I have not been that for over a year. And is doing great. I just relaxed in the city and did some shopping. I bought a yoga pants and a tank top, shampoo and conditioner. Afterwards i shopped a black leather look alike jeans/ tights and a black jeans for regular use in size 8. It was on sale and was very good and i have to diet down in it. I bought also a long white shirt without arms. It was looking very good and did not cost much, it was on sale. So i am pleased with what i bought. I tried it on when i got home and i looked great. It is nice to find new clothes that fits you and look cool. It has been a good day and i am walking around in new yoga clothes ready to work out.
The city close to where i live is called Aalesund. It is saied to be the most beautiful city in whole Norway. It is a relaxing city with a lot to do and good shops. I love to walk around in the city. I had a very good day today and love life and feel good. It is like my life is turning in to a miracle about recovering from a mental illness and do all the things i used to do. So to everybody suffering. Hang in there and work with youreself. It takes a time to get healed, but it is worth all the work. Now i am off to do poweryouga and get visit of my litle friend playing guitar all day. She loves it. And i am so happy to have so good days. Good luck to everybody.
" Life changes everyday - embrace the changes and the life in youre life and live it to the full. "

How To Get A Good Start On The Day

I wake up easily and is in good mood and have breakfast and morning coffe outside. To start a day good is to manage to sleep well. I have had a friend on visit this morning and we have been sitting outside talking. The sun is shining here in clear autumn weather and i feel for doing a lot of things today. I get visit today of my litle friend with guitar and i shall shop in things so we can have a good time. To wake up in the mornings with a clear and focused mind and without depression and fatigue has to be done with having a day rythm. Do positive things in the day and clean youre house and make it cosy and comfortable. Be happy and in love with life. And go to bed at the same time every night. The best sleep is the hours before 24:00 and if you get up early you feel you have a lot of time in the day. Here comes some tips :

1. Tidy up youre appartment, house and bedroom.
2. Do happy things and stop wondering on all you should do. Do what you can.
3. Eat helathy and avvoid coffe late night.
4. Go to be an hour earlier and read in the bed.
5. Stay happy and at ease by beeing youreself.
6. Have a bath or a shower and stay fresh,
7. Go to bed early and wake up early.
8. Get a good sleeping routine for life and know that all the days change when you are in good mood.
9, Have enough pillows in youre bed to be comfortable.
10. Tell youreself : " I have nothing more that should be done for the day and i can relax. "
11. Enjoy life and do happy things it gets you in peace at nightime.
12. Plan positive things in youre bed and a life that is filled with love it gets youre mind at peace.
13. Meditate if you dont manage to sleep.

I pray myself to sleep sometimes and it makes me peacefull and in love with life. Days get better and better for me, and i have no fatigue when i have a regular rythm for the days. I have more stamina and feel happy and are today off to the city for shopping and change battery in some of the watches i got as a present. Have a great day and sleep well :-)
" A good night sleep can heal depression and make you happy. "

torsdag 11. september 2014

Guitar, Cake and Lemonade

Yeasterday i had such a great time. My aunt child and her friend came to visit me and they played in the whole house. It was like someone put a summer breeze through the house of light voices and laughter. And i read to them : " The art of not beeing scared of the dark. " And they laughed a lot. My novels gets children to laugh and have fun and it is easy beeing me together with them. Because children is so fantastic and has an easy attitude towards people. They wanted to learn how to write novels. And i gave them a lesson in how to put stories down and they wanted to write themselves. I laughed so much of all i heard. And Happy was put down on the living room table together with us and she loves children. She was incredible tame together with the two girls.
My aunt child found my guitar and started to play. I could not believed what i heard but she was a natural given talent and i told her. She played guitar for us and it sounded like country and she was so proud because it was only the second time she played on a guitar. And she is now of to guitar school here at the school. It is so good when children find something they can believe in. I sang for them also. And they liked the song a lot, even if they did not understand english. I am going to a recording studio when i save up enough money to sing in a song. It is a song about finding strenght and courage in this society today and go through war with a brave attitude knowing you fight for children.
I gave the girls cake and lemonade and we talked a lot. My aunt child was so proud of me. For some weeks ago i gave a painted clovn away to a organization that works for people in grieve. That people who has passed away shall have a day in the year to be remembered. And my aunt child saied : " Aunt Mona you have gotten a famous artist among the adults at our school. " I answeard surprised : " Have I ? " She talked and saied : " They have seen a painting and know you are good in painting and i told them i have sean all the real pictures. " I got so happy. And will in a while have an art exhibition. I have a lot of paintings ready. Yeasterday was such a good day. And i have stayed all day today extremly happy and calm. I am so at peace in my mind and know i live happy. I have had a meeting today and cleaned the house and Happys cage and taken a bath. I slept for an hour and are now waiting on my aunt child for coming down to my place to play guitar. It is so good that she found an instrument she likes playing at, and she can get really good. I talked to my son on the phone and he laughed a lot about all the things the two girls was up to. I have such a happy and good life that it feels like a miracle. I have also been writing today on a novel and hope they gets finished in some months. So now i am waiting for a special guest today.
" Every day Miracles Happens - Just Look Around And Tresure Them With All Youre Heart. "

onsdag 10. september 2014

Dance Wherever You Are

People inspires eachother and today i woke up at 07:30 of Happy singing. I was so tired but knew i could not sleep again so i got up. I had breakfast and morning coffe outside in good sunny autumnweather. It is turning " Indian Summer " here this week and i love it. I have started to exercise more. I get slowly in better shape and has gone down 20 kilos in weight. And has 20 more kilos to go. But i want to look toned and fit like i once used to. I have started writing a book about dieting when you have troubles. It can be depression, anxiety or psycosis and dont know what to do to go down and get the body you want and the life you always wished you had. And today i presented the idea to a personal trainer working at the unit i was in. She got so inspired. " It has never been written before ! You got to do it ! " And she gave me a lot of tips in working out. The main thing is that you have to find a way that you love. To find this can be hard when you are down no matter what, it can be a so hard thing as heart ache that gets you into mental trouble. My thing with heart ache is. It always goes over and there are so many people in the world that true love is for everybody. It is just to work with youreself and one day from out of the blue it can come to you. I love working out, but have fatigue and is a bit slower in power in the body with medication even if it is reduced. For many years i danced a lot but i got into grieve and did not feel up for dancing. But one friend of mine was with us on the hiking trip today and he was so powerfull and filled with joy and had gone down in weight. In a very short time. Everybody asked him what he had done : " I have been dancing. " And he moved great. I was so inspired that i went home and wrote down the tips from the personal trainer and worked out for over an hour. I lifted weights, did crunches and danced. It was so good dancing again and i feel free when i do it, but it is a bit hard to have had a body that functioned very well to feel that the rythm is a bit out of the body. But i am still there. Thanks for the inspiration to everybody on the hiking today, and i had such a great time. We talked and barbequed in great weather at a great place in the nature close to the sea. Everyday can be great and to be together with patients with mental problems is great. I sometimes think they are more exiting to be together with than with people without mental problems because many of them are free spirits with a very original attitude. And i thank them for hugs and gestures of so much kindness that it hurts that they are not into a normal life. Embrace people with mental problems it is often very creative people who has suffered a lot. And if you give them friendship and are true at heart to them you have the best friends ever. I want to become a lawyer to help them out of trouble and secure theire rights, I am a nurse and with a lawyer degree also i could have helped a lot of people who has suffered a lot. My novels and books take a time to write. But one is finsihed and shall be printed out when i get the wireless printer to function and i have to give my dad one copy of it. He is going through cancer treatment. I love him so much and it is hard to see how hard it is for the body. But he is in good spirit and was doing great today. Life is hard with spaces of so much kindness that i know if i get all well again that i get stronger than before and have friends for life that i care so much about that it hurted to leave them today. They have become like a family to me. I am so happy to have this life and have so good people around me.
My brother fetched me at the hospital and gave me a ride home. He stopped to buy icecream and we had icecream on my sisters terasse together with the two dogs. I have had such a great day and i tell everybody. Dance until you get youre own expression in dancing and it is so good for the posture and the whole body. You get uplifted and you can express youreself just the way you want to. Love life and care for people that are incredible strong. They have maybe a mental illness but can teach you things you never believed was in the world. All the patiensts i have met have richened my life and i love them so much. Have a Great Day !
" Love is everywhere in the world, just embrace it and dare to feel free "

tirsdag 9. september 2014

Cheezecake, Coffe And Candles Made The Day

Everyday is a day you have to face the world no matter what. And today i was bothered with fatigue. I stayed up late last night until 03:00 and had a good time. Sending the first congratulation text message to my son turning 21 years today. And i stayed up watching documentary movies on the tv. I have lived without television for years and i see how the society has changed. I watched documentarys about war and could not believe what i saw. I got so incredible sad about what people are capable to do. But i managed through and got wiser and stronger in my head about this. You have to make up youre mind in todays society about what to think about war. I am for peace and a better world for mankind. And write novels about this. I have taken a clear stand against terror, mass destruction veapons and war. I dont want to fight but live a good and happy life. I wish the world could change to the better, there are so many kind people in this world and i meet them everyday.
I have picked plums today. Opal plums and they are sweet and sour and taste delicious. I picked them together with my aunt child, my sister and my mother. It was a good time. And we talked and had fun. Life is easy, but the world is hard. You need to have skills to make it through. I am happy, naive and not oriented in analyse a person before i meet him og her. And that got me into trouble. I am feeling so incredible stupid about the romance scam. And wished it all had not happened. But i reported it to the police and gave them all information about how it works. It is not just one person but several others in this scam. And i am afraid it is bigger than i think. But i leave it all behind.
My son is 21 years today and he is such a good young man. He has moved out and are taking his education and i promised myself to celebrate the birthday here. I have been a mommy for 21 years. And i have loved everyday. To get a son gave my life meaning and an incredible strenght to stand through no matter what. To love gives you power at heart and stamina to go through difficulties. I bought in cheesecake, ice coffe and a magazine. Lighted candles and enjoyed the peacefull time. I missed my son a lot and got a litle bit blues about that. I am starting a new life alone and has to take actions to manage the life good. I write, read, go walks, bicyckles, yoga, hiking and hobbies. I have a good life now. In the small parts of life and i like it this way. It is easy and comfortable and i meet people every day. Kind people that wants me healed and back to life as the person i once was. And it seems like that is happening.
My best advice to get back to life or to get a better life is to take actions every day. Not sit around waiting for things to fall down from the sky. But be open and active to new experiences and fun. People likes you when you are youre true self, and i am just me. Nothing more, nothing less. I make it through every day in a good way and that is a good life worth living on this planet. I hope you are doing good and love youre life and have all you dream of...if not, make a plan and go for it. Litle by litle life changes to the better. Never ever give up. Good Luck ! :-)
" Small good moments can make a day remembered for a lifetime. "

mandag 8. september 2014

No Fear

Today i was to the dentist. And he is so incredible nice and promised to make me smile better than ever. I have fear for dentists. But today i dont know what happened. I prayed that it had to go good. And it did. I nearly slept in the chair. It seems like i am stronger than ever and more relaxed than ever. I had a good time with the dentist and my teeths where in good shape. I had only one hole. And it has been years since last time i went to him. But now i am going more often to rinse and clean my teeth. It is nothing to be scared about going to the dentist. It is like i told my son when he was scared of taking a blood test. I saied to him : " If you pinch youreself in the arm before the blood test you wont hurt. " What i did not realise with my son was that he pinched himself very hard. So he laughed when he took the blood test. It is imagination and thoughts that gets you into fear. And my fear for dentists is gone. I have no fear left again and is looking forward to the next appointment then i am whitening my teeth for the first time in my life. I want to smile good again and the dentist promised me it would be a good smile.
" Fear is in the thoughts and the attitude - change this and youre behaviour and all fear go away. "

søndag 7. september 2014

Things Turned Out Good

Every day you get new experiences. And i got a lot in som few days. I got a victim of Romance Scam and all the while it was going on i could not believe it was true. But as it all was happening i realised that i was faunctioning again and got even better. I am recovered and start school on wedensday at 1. Unit Law School. I stydy for three years for beeing a lawyer in health rights and human rights. I thought why not do this instead of just hanging around. To take courses or school make you healthier. So things turned out good. I knew that i could feel again and i knew i was well again. But understand this, people doing romance scam is so inntelligent i heard a woman tell that she had been fooled by a man claiming to be a medical doctor a surgeon working in Afghanistan. She got fooled a lot. They steel pictures and indentitys and get you in a soft spot. The scary part is that it seems like they know something about you in the private. My brother is in the norwegian army and the lady beeing victim of the acclaimed surgeon had a son that is a medical doctor. So they find you in a soft spot. I know a lot about the army and the man i was talking to on the net answeard better than a norwegian general i know in how it was to be a general. And that got me to believe him. I was naive and feel incredible stupid. But it is just for a while. I can laugh about it all and called the police so they are on the case. So i hope they get the once doing this romance scam.
I have had good days. And we laughed a lot about our foolishness. But i got a present from my fathers lady and it got me really happy. I got as a present 14 watches and they are really good. People are so kind to me. My father is doing good and i am happy about this. It is hard to be under canser treatment. But he is brave and with good spirit. This life is hard. And it can be hard to know who to trust on the net. But use youre inntelligence and ask questions. The man lied about the accurate birth date on the man and that got me out of everything. I did not believe a word. But was a detective to find out what it was and how clever they are, and they are incredible smart. And my brother saied : " For all you know you could have been talking to a woman. " So smart are they, so dont ever believe things that are too good to be true. I am over this now. And are back to life again doing better than in months. My medication is reduced and the doctor treating me talked about getting me off medication in a while. And my mom just told me about a man that had exercised him well again from Schizophrenia. So there is hope for all, you have to find the way that is good for you and do the things you feel is for the best for you. Good Luck !!! :-)
" When thing is to good to be true on the net it often is. Protect youreself. "

fredag 5. september 2014

I Got A Victim Of Romance Scam

Romance scam is dangerous and all people on the net needs to use theire inntelligence while using the net. Read the web page and know that a american citizen has gotten stolen his identity. I got fooled a lot but could not believe it was true. Because my brother is in the Norwegian Army. I did not beilieve truly, but the man was very smart and i am a bit naive. Read the link and protect youreself and i hope this case come to an end. I stay off my blogg for some while to check out if they have stolen my identity. I dont think it is only one person being behind this. I am so sorry for the real man in this case and hope he is doing fine. So my message is clear protect youreself on the net. Never give away passwords and never give money. Hope you all have a good day :-)
" Real love has for the most needed to be find in the real life. "

tirsdag 2. september 2014

Sadness Is Not Depression And Normal

I have been very sad today. It is hard when things in life dont work out the way you want them to do. Sadness is a normal thing in life and a natural feeling a person has and shows feelings of love. When something happens to the ones you love sadness is a natural feeling to have. It is not depression even if it last a time. Losses in life is hard and feelings come with it. That sadness occurs. But relax the feeling will not last forever and it can come and go for a while. Dont give up hope, not ever.
Normal feelings in us humans is to be felt. It is the reason we live, to feel is a precious gift. So embrace feelings and know you are alive. It is worse to feel nothing than to have feelings. But even feeling nothing can go away with signals of love. It is to be filled again.
When feeling sad do what is best for you, and dont stay in a conflict that makes you worse. Try to step out of it and give youreself time. Youre true self is there all the time. Hapiness can occure even in sadness. Like litle feelings of flush from people you love or situations you are happy in. When you are sad, try not to stay alone. Be together with someone you love, do things you love and if feelings wear you out, try to get some sleep. It is normal to have sad days.
I know my sadness will go over, because i have been sad before and have worked out ways to manage through it in a good way, that even when i am sad helps my life get better. So i know i have just one day of lifes sadness today. It will go over. Sadness is normal it is not depression.
" When you are sad - go to the places love can find you "
Me, i go down to the seaside today with coffe and food and will sit there till i am well again. Love life.

mandag 1. september 2014

Yoga The Miracle Medication

I have been doing yoga and found out that it heals and releases tensions in the body that i did not know was there. Yoga massages the whole body and streches youre entire body. It feels incredible good doing yoga and you feel mentally at peace doing it. It is hard work poweryoga and gives good exercise that nearly everybody can do.
It can take a while finding the exercise that fits you the best and i think i found mine in poweryoga. My body hurts in a good way after the exercise. I have put out before the video of Arthur. The man who tells you to never ever give up and exercise no matter what. It can be  read in an earlier blogg article i put out. I do it myself now to heal in my whole body. I need a exercise that stabilize the core muscles and yoga seems to be the right way for me. I am happy to find this out for myself and wanted to share it with others.
" It can take a time to find youre way - but never ever give up. "