søndag 8. juni 2014

A New Day With Happy Cards

This weekend i have been home. I have had litle fatigue after i wrote down the Happy Cards. I read them all the time and it works like a stabilisator and as affirmasjons. The difference from affirmations and the Happy Cards is that you also see the card, it is not only the thought. It worked and i use also a bit TFT ( Thought Field Theraphy ). Something else is good also and that is that i smoke less and can be several hours without sigarettes. I dont have psycotic thoughts and i dont have depression. So the cards works. But yeasterday i had one hour i felt empty. All my thoughts changed to the better and i was myself totally again. I was so happy, but after i had made dinner ( gratinated fish ) and did housework i felt like all was empty. I related this to that everything changed and that my thoughts was all normal again. To feel empty i just look at as soon there is something good to fill inn. And there was, i got a lot of visits from friends and neighbours. I had a happy time soon again.
My son has been working all weekend and been out with friends, i have had visits and read books, and worked with the Happy Cards. I was also yeasterday invited to my sisters place to have pizza. We were there the whole family.
The days are good and life is better, or to say, life is normal again and it is almoust a bit wierd after a long time with psycosis. It is nearly a litle miracle this. I know i can get depressed and with fatigue again so i use the Happy Cards all the time. They are with me to stay !
Persephone had a great time these sunny days, she got yeasterday fresh fish and was so happy. She is getting more and more tame, and the kittens is near the house. I have not seen them, but it seems like she manage to bring the kittens up this time. I cant wait to see them and will try to film them to put out here. I hope i will manage.
I hope you have happy days and that life treats you good. Mental illness is not good to have but it can be cured so never give up the hope and the believe.
" Every Day is a Miracle - Love life: "

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