søndag 30. november 2014

I Am Finished With A Self Help Book For Mental Help

Today is a great day even though i have been to the doctor for stomache pains. I nearly fainted and trow up because of pain. But i got help and took Ibux to recover and it helped. I live by the moments and walk on easily and dont stay in trouble and pain and have by the years developed a lot of self esteem even though i have been diagnosed with a mental illness. It is stronger to have self esteem living by a diagnose and have some issues to work with every day. But it is possible to be symptom free and live a natural good life. Everybody can recover from a mental illness. There is always hope and i have written a different book whithout diagnosis. Because we are not our diagnose and most of the time normal. To tell you the truth it is harder to live with anxiety than psycosis in some cases because there are negative and positive symptoms in a psycosis. But my main goal is that diagnosis should go away. It is the persons own personal life story that means something and looking at a persons life there always will be something to find in what can cause anxiety, depression or psycosis. And all can go away with coaching, nursing and the love towards God. That you know that something higher helps you out. It is fully possible to get even stronger than before recovering from illness and have a more happy life because you value youre life different. When you get into a illness change youre goals. Go for what is possible even if it is so easy to manage a dinner with friends. Be open and not hide away. But you dont need to tell all the world that you suffer. To be strong is to be not scared about what other people say about you. When you met youre life and youre goals you see that the sun shines through. But with making goals know that life can happen and dont get worried or devastated if you dont reach youre goals. Mostly what people wants is inner peace, peace of mind, happiness and joy and not at least to feel safe and relaxed. The self help book is how to get in harmony with youreself and meeting life. There is a good life waiting for everybody and the book can be read by people not having problems as well. It is to tell you that you are perfect the way you are and dare to show the world youre inner self. Not the person you believe you are by a mental illness, but the person you really are all healthy. The book will be published in about 3 weeks on e-bok here in Norway and i am searching for a transelator over to english to present the self help book for the world on kindle, amazone and apple. I hope the book can help as many as possible to always keep safe and be at inner peace and having a good life no matter what happens. I have that. Troubles comes around. But i stay confident and dare to blogg about symptoms the most people try to hide away from the rest of the world and end up in isolation. My main goal is that everybody can live free, safe and happy lifes and be strong no matter what so that they dare to meet life and create a happy and normal family that always is best friends. I have a very good life and am happy today. I have had visits of friends and lighted candles in the winter coming around. It is soon christmas and my hope for the book is that someone can celebrate theire best christmas ever by looking at the world with new eyes and with a true heart. I hope you all are in strong health and if someone suffers, Never give up and my book is on the way. I am nearly a living miracle after all i have been through and there is always help. Dare to look for the best help you can get. And stay youre true self. Then the worlds opens up and you get it better than ever. Good Luck To You All !!! :-)
" There is always an answear and always help - never ever give up. "

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