lørdag 15. november 2014

When God Helps You Out To Inner Peace

Life is not the most easy thing in the world. We can get problems and some problems seems like they dont go away. But with asking the Lord Above for help and in prayers you get help. I am a christian and practise it in my own way. I have not changed my personality or the life i live much. But i got cured from a mental illness believing in God and constantly praying because something happens in youre cognitive behaviour when you pray. You easen down thoughts, conflicts and it grew from this a love to the Lord above that keeps me happy nearly thorugh all troubles and i manage to live a happy life with inner peace. It can take a time before you get stamina enough to pray nearly constantly but you change youre mental attitude to you have a guardian stronger than anything by youre side and it keeps you in joy, happiness and not at least love. Yeasterday i prayed for help in my regular day. I was at inner peace but did not have so much fun. The society is build up on perfection and to be fun all the time. But God want us to have inner peace because we are humans and many things can cause stress in our lives. I dont need much attetion i give people attention and is present in every moment because of my prayers and people seem to get joy and peace to be together with me. Love grow in others from kind people with love for orher humans.
Yesterday i was at the grocerystore, i struggle a bit in finding the food i like because i am food tired. I dont know what to make and is bored with this. But i asked for help and found food i love and that got me happy and relaxed. A good meal gets you thankfull and happy and give you peace and relaxation. At the grocery store i took a note from kirkens sos. It is a help telehopne in Norway and you can call them if you have problems. I called because i feel the society is so cold and that people put stigmatisation on people with diagnosis. And i met a loving lady that helped me a lot. I asked them for help to start a collect to children in war because that was one of the problems in why i got ill. I broke down seeing a girl that had lost her parents in shooting and she had seen it and was so scared that i had never seen a more scared person in my entire life. I wanted to help her but could not. But the church - sos heard my prayers and wanted to go with me on a collect to children in war to bring them pillow, warm blankets ( dyne in norwegian ), shoes, clothes and teddy bears. The woman i talked to needed to talk to others but she wanted to start it with me. I was so happy yesterday that my prayers was herd and i fell asleep happy and at peace.
Today i woke up to a new day. It is good weather and life smiled to me. I sat on the terasse just sensing in the mood of the island with the fresh air and seagulls and a sense of beeing all me again. My aunt came to me at 12:00 and we went to christian vintage store with a litle cafeteria. I met so many good people talking to me and wanting me to have a good life. And i met a psyciatric nurse and we talked about psyciatri and that i am going to lead a group of patients in cognitive behaviour. I told her she had to say to all her patients that people do get recovered. People was so kind to me that hapiness was boosting in me together with inner peace and i bought a book about believing in that for God anything is possible. And a plate in glass in different colours in blue and purple. I did not give more than 3 dollars for it all. Vintage stores is fun because you can do good bargains and thing can be nearly new in the store. And i am going back to buy books next week because i dont have much money this week.
I live in the litle with a great love from the Lord above that gives me possibilities to live a happy life. In that you dont need to be rich to make it through. You can nearly play magic with youre money if you look for sale and in vintage stores. I have a good beautiful appartment and beautiful things, and all has come to me through the secret - that you attract the things you need in life. I think it is lead by the Lord above that if you focus on the positive in life you get the positive in life.
You dont need a million dollars to look like one. You can do magic in scanning the stores and go a bit the extra mile to get good bargains. Find out what you need and write it down and stick to that plan and give it a go to ask God for help. He gives you what you need. And i need a social life and got it. And i function on a high level and stay kind in prayers for others, myself and the world. That people get what they need, and right now i focus on children at war to give the refugees what they need as a basal care. It is all i can do, but to help others is sometimes the road to healing and perfect love. Because what you give comes back to you. So love youreself and stay as kind as you can and you will see miracles happening. There is no need to be worried or scared. It is just to find the comfort of Gods love in prayers. And when you love God nothing can break you. Because you get a new dimmension in life that holds you away from problems and conflicts and you react different on them by letting go in forgivness at once and then you are free.
" Forgive and Forget is the Road To Personal Freedom. "

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