lørdag 1. november 2014

When Freedom Is Questioned

Society in the western world is under UN. And they have a value ruled law that nations are under to prevent that people with diagnosis is discriminated and that they are beeing heard. Yeasterday i was discriminated by a man when i was vanting to tell the truth about my hospitalisation and what i was put under and also called. I have suffered a lot of beeing diagnosed with schizofrenia. I am humble and kind and worked all the time hospitalised that the patients was treated good. I have today contacted an lawyer to help me with getting my life back and the people responsable for my condition to stand in control and responsibility for what they caused in my life and in my family. There are laws for treatment and to not be presented for what the law is is information lack and a broke to the rules of treatment. I have been very sad for two days and suffer a lot. It is supposed to be a society without stigmata against people with a mental illness, and i am not ill and will talk to a third part doctor to see if he put me under any diagnosis and to read my journal. And i am prepeared to go to another country to do this and prepeared to take my case all the way to UN. I was put under unhuman pressure hospitalised with isolation and got nearly no communication with other people and i had a volounterly hospitalisation so i dont really not understand a clue on the treatment i got. I hope the world can get together to treat people suffering from a mental illness with kindness and the nurse based treatment that the books give them knowledge of. There is enough information to give the best care for people, but it is the people that learn from this that is the key factor. I have always saied : " There is guidance in books and people shall give the best treatment in nursing that a humanbeeing is capable to give. " Else they have nothing to do in the health care treatment. It is the law in the most western countries and also under WHO. I hope people will get the best treatment so that they can get well again and live in the society as good citizens that works for a better world. I will have hard times the next weeks, but i hope you all are doing good. I dont hear voices anymore and think normal. But i get flash backs from the treatment and it hurts. But i stay kind and pray and sleep for recovering and eat normal and healthy and do fun thing. Today i sendt an invention to someone and it was fun and it is an idea that can turn the media around. I have presented the idea for a woman working with innovative ideas ans she saied : " WOW ". Dont ever give up if you have a hard time and love life. There is a sullution always but sometimes it can take a while to find it. But get good quotes on facebook and stay with them. They help a lot. There is several pages to like. Live a happy life even in hard times. And is youre freedom at risk ... get a lawyer :-)
" Hard times comes aroud for everybody, but some should not be there, but hope, pray and stay kind and get the information you need to live freely. Everybody is entitled to start over new. "

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