lørdag 29. august 2015

Gossip Girl

Everyday can be a struggle and i question a lot these days. And it is gossip. What if everybody started to talk ? ... And not just the ones presenting gossip ? Inbetween all what we hear and see the truth is there, and it needs to be found in this world. 

There is a new trend coming up ... i think it is called " Flawless " - a way of living the non perfect life, because in the society and it is by generations created. That we should live a perfect life. But what about the ones knowing that this is just a fasade. That under the carpet there can be dust and sometimes bacteria ?

I just wonder what happened if people cared more in kindness and love. And to not just create garbage with gossip. Everybody in this world has the right to life and people creating gossip is just not perfect. It is the lucky part that the ones creating gossip ends up like unsatisfied people and creating more gossip until nobody listens anymore. But what damage have they done ?

Maybe more than a psychiatric patient ?
I just wonder and feel a little angry on the people creating gossip to be popular and tell what is the news. 
People need to care and give more and create the loving planet in the society that earth really is.
I am kind - but wants the truth to be out there and when the medical system also creates gossip - what in the world shall you do ?
I just wonder how my life will go ?
The reality for me right now is economically questions and not something weird like a fairytale in psychosis. I have told the truth and has been medicated for it. 
All in all ...
I am just a big question on my life ?

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