torsdag 27. august 2015

It Is Wierder Now ?

Last night i spent thinking about economy. it is pretty strange for someone that don't have a clue on economy or money. But i think the idea i presented is easy and to give the poor people money and economy will create a different world. There will be more use of money and the production on things and groceries will be more asked after. It is getting pretty weird being me in a financial world. A fellow patient spent all night reading about economy and inflasjon for saving the world. I think the idea can be done if the world work together and starts being santa claus. It is still a while before it is christmas ( i had a pretty bad christmas last year ).
A totally new world economy can save mankind if the market sources don't raise the prices but are being held at a good level to give people aid. There is over billion people in poverty. I think printing up more money all over the world could have made a better and different world. And there would have been created more jobs.
I spend my days trying to understand economy and i might have a long way to go - but maybe new eyes and new ideas is pretty easy ?
That was the weird part of today - have a nice evening wherever you are in the world :-)

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