onsdag 26. august 2015

The Strangest Thing

You can sometimes feel that all life is stressful, chaotic, and full of clutter... and some of us can give up. I nearly did. But today it feels like it all has changed into meaning and a good life again with good emotions. It is so easy that only a walk in the nature can heal you and sometimes it seems like the right people occur around you and all fall into place again. Never Ever Give Up !!!
There is always a solution even though how hard it can be. I am at a little unit that is open and has only five patients. And it seems like the patients from the other unit want to be together with us. People can be different than what you think about them and more loving than you can think is possible. The strangest thing is that new friends occur sometimes from out of the blue, and gives you perspective on life.
We are born into this life to make a change i believe. I fight for the freedom and the life for mental ill people. The strange thing is that this kind of people are not strange at all when you get to know them. You get their story and start to understand that it can happen to any one of us. We need to take care of each other and sometimes the earth cries out for help. So be helpful... try to talk to someone you know is mental ill. Go on visit to them and show that you care, even if you are a little afraid. There is nothing to be afraid for. People love kind people and buy them a nice present. It don't need to cost much. It can change a life from illness to healing by taking a step towards mental aid and healing. It for the most is problem that we all have that creates a mental illness. But people seem to think they are the only one in the entire world with the symptoms. It is most likely something you self has thought about once, but the healthy humans tend to find different solutions. So maybe you can save a life today with a letter, a poem or a present to someone suffering. The strangest thing is that this can change the world. More care and more love. We are not alone on this planet, and with 8 billion people you need to understand that it is not the meaning that we shall stay alone.

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