mandag 27. oktober 2014

Remeber That New Days Come Every Day

Life can get a routine. Remember that every single day is new. There is always something new happening in youre life. And if not - make the moments happen - by beeing you. I am all me again and friends comes a long all the time. And i met people i have not met in years and it is like i met them yeasterday. Everyday i do something new. Not the big things, but i try to make everyday a bit different from the other to make life smile at me. And not at least the most important thing, i am staying kind all the time. I refuse to go into conflicts, and if they happen, i forget about them as fast as possible. It makes you stronger. And when you have learned to make conflicts go away fast you are not worried for conflicts happening. Life gives you all kinds of colours, and paint youre life in the colours you want. You can create the life you want by doing something every day to get there. For me it is inventions and write novels, and paint. Some days ago a picture i painted was in the newspaper together with other local artists. I gave a picture to a welfare organization for a lottery. And i hope the man winning the clovn was happy. I liked the picture a lot. Every day small things can summon up a great life in the small parts of life. And when you as a older man or woman sit and look back on life you can see it has been a good life. Dont let a bad year or a bad day ruin youre quality of life. There is so much love in this world and so many people working for the world to be a better place. It is where we put our focus. Change youre life bit by bit with forgetting insults, bad things happening and conflicts by letting they go in the moment they happen. When you teach youreself this you can se miracles happening in youre life and you get more healthy. Every day brings a new day to you and fill it with joy, happiness and love. There is always things to do to make the world more colourful and brighter. Dont let anxiety, depression or psycosis ruin a good life. Work for the best and you get the best.
" Every day is new, and so are you " :-)

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