torsdag 21. mai 2015

Rainbow Breeze

I thought this should be the name of a race horse. I am back to horses and they keep me in spirit. I am planning in buying my own horse. But money decides and thats the truth that it often does. Money can tell people who you are in things you own. But poor people holding their identity no matter what is stronger than people with money. Happiness is not for money - but in my case with horses it is. I need to save money and in the time for that i paint. The pictures are for sale and this picture is 1m in the wide and 2 meter high. It is for sale to the one bidding highest. It is to make you heal and for happiness.
The pictures are painted in prayers and happiness and is to always be in a good mood and have a place to return to.  I have more work done and present this working now and then.

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