tirsdag 19. mai 2015

You can think a billion things at one time

I have thought a lot about how the brain and our mind function. We use by research not more then 10 % and has an endless capasity. I got a diagnose and realised that i had more talents then i thought. Like i could play the piano at the age of 37 without have played it before. And i draw and painted better. I have delievered exams to apply the citys art school this year and will go into art theraphy as a nurse and tell that the mind developed at all ages. It is not true that our personality is formed at the age of 3 years old. We develope all life and a new life meets us everyday. I have learned that people with alzenheimer can learn to remember with people never giving them up and train them with new impressions every day.
Today in the smoking room i got a new thought. And that is that we are able to think a billion things in one time. Just form a picture in youre mind like an artist and put as many things you want in that picture. And the picture formes to one thought with billions things in it. We are all incredible in the way we think. And to get the power over youre thoughts and not be afraid of them cures all mentall disese. To be an artist and a thinker can get youre life into ways you never believed. I never believed i would end up in a mental institution with the " thought police " - i love Muse for theire song Resistance. To shape beautiful thoughts can make youre whole life change. Only one good thought that you can hold in youre mind can cure you. I have impression from real horses in my mind and that cures me. I go to the stable to ride and overcome fright by horses that treats me good and dont make any fuzz. I live for seeing a new world formed by magic thoughts that go into art because it forms youre life. One picture can heal you or make youre life easier and form youre identity. To get people into art and find theire potential and talent can be done at any age. And i think of horses running out from water now. Our mind can work in the most beautiful way - without the doctor to notice because they just dont understand the developing mind. Every day is new in my life - like my experiences and my painting. The world is so beautiful and people beeing kind and loving the world gets closed in - i think it is about time that the psyciatrick field think new. That people do change by theire working and theire experiences to think thoughts never thought before. Think of all the most important and beautiful things in youre head all the time - or as often as you can and get a new life. It forms all youre identity and with coping with probblems and think beautiful you get healed or a better and new person. I have a good time and is soon written out of the hospital and will take pictures to my blogg. Love every second of life because you have only this life.

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