fredag 3. oktober 2014

The One That Run After Sunlight Even On Rainy Days

I have thought a lot about mental ill people. So much that i got ill myself. Life is hard and can be even harder if you get hospitalises. I have had several diagnoses from no diagnose, to depression, to bipolar disorder to schizoaffective dissorder to schizophrenia. It never looks like they get me right. And not this time either because i am not schizoprenic at all. I have talked to a lot of patienst through the years and everybody seems like extremly kind people that just has lost theire way. They chase after sunlight even on rainy days. All they long for is that just one person understands them and help them to live right again. To be mentall ill is hard. And it is a desise that its not accepted in the society but many mentall ill patients are only very creative people that has high scills of creative thinking. They only miss love and someone to trust, and when that wish is granted they seem to get well again.
I met people writing poems and books, some making music and some painting and some incredible smart. But the one thing with all of them they chased after sunlight and love all the time. When i was hospitalised in another city i got five proposals. I could have been married, but i felt not the right way for the persons to do so. I loved them but not to be husband and wife. But people tend to hope on the most cloudy and rainy days that someone is going to find them. There is much love and kindness in mental institutions, but life can be hard there. But when the people treating them gets the problem it is even harder, because the patienst understands you without medication and the doctors seems to wanna treat everything with medication. I have sometimes thought that heart ache in some way or another is the main part in a mental illness. People tend to get well finding love with a person spreading love on rainy days.
To understand people in psyciatric treatment is the secret mysterious riddle that makes everyone healthy again is accepting the person. Even on bad days. Because it grows up like a flower a very strong bond of trust and anxiety gets away. It is like the sun comes shining through on the most helpless and darkest days. It is just to tell someone : " I want to understand you ". But you have to mean it and have the stamina to stay in the run. If you do this for a mental ill patient you can see miracles beeing transformed and smile and laughter returning to the most depressive person on earth.
Kindness is the lead word in treating patients. It gets away nearly all problems. And people starts to show you theire world. And many patienst has a higher and more original personality than " normal " people. You can get so many good laughs by someone letting you into theire world. And the world should be more including to people suffering, because some people die in grieve over getting lost to the psyciatric treatment. There has to come a new outlook on mental ill people. The most of them is very kind and helpfull and not at least giving. I have a lot of presents given from other patients and i give to them also. To believe in eachother is what makes the world go round. So remember on grey and dark days that there is people beeing mentally ill and locked inside units that they stay and wait for the sun to shine again with a strength that is incerdible. And remember theire kindness. When i was a litle girl i got tip from an old mental ill patients on how to decorate my house so i only thought good thoughts. She had managed to get well again after over 20 year in the psyciatric treatment and i walked her dog " Teddy ". Every saturday she gave me 50,- krone ( 8 usd ) and candies and soda. I felt like i was the richest girl on earth. And she is still with me today. And now i move to a simmilar apprtment to what she  lived in on her last days. She always was in good mood and always told me to chase the sunlight. And i still do. I think there one day, by listening to the hopes and dreams in all patienst that there is no need for medication. Because noone is psycotic all the time. So when you see someone looking like they are mentall ill. Remember that they can have more sunny days than what a normal person has because they never stop looking for the sun. It is the runners.
" Remember that magic really do exists. Dream on. "

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