mandag 6. oktober 2014

When Strong Is The Only Option You Got

It is hard times here with my father beeing ill of cancer. But i have more strength than i knew of and today i am moving also. My father needed rest so i stay home and fill up boxes with things to take with me and things to put aside. Life changes. You can have a plan but inbetween life happens so it is not easy to keep a clear plan all the time. But i stick to beeing strong and when you know you have to be and see that motivation and courage follows it is possible to have good days even if life is hard. I have a good day today. My aunt visisted me and we had coffe and had a good talk. It is best to stay together in though times. The kittens and Persephone runs around in the garden and shows me it is possible to survive with a street life also. They enjoy the sun and teach me to sease every moment of my life. Life gives you a lot. From extremly kindness to hard illness. But to stay strong keeps me in work and not falling appart. I hope that all people suffering can have friends around them and stay together. It is easier then. But even in hard time life can show you extremly beauty and happiness.
I am making dinner and are resting now, before my brother comes here to drive my things to the new appartment. Life is good even in hard times.
" Stay strong when life tells you to and know that there always is more strength than you know "

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