tirsdag 1. juli 2014


Somedays is like a reflection of magic is put upon the day. Today is such a day. It is like someone just say : " Hey you are okay. "
I woke up early today and had morning coffe and put out a video on facebook to my friends. At 10 : 00 an assistant from the unit came home to me and went for a litle hiking tour together with me. At 12:00 i was in meeting for the future plan of my life, and doctor, nurses and my mother was together with me in the meeting. It was a good meeting. I have a good plan for my life and is nearly all recovered from psycosis. I explained them about the book i am writing about experience- based training to recover from psycosis and the leader of the unit asked me to have education on the people working on the unit !!! I got so happy and told more about how schizofrenia is like and how i recovered. After the meeting the leader saied : Maybe i give you a job here at the unit, we want to be as good as possible.
So maybe i have a job in the psyciatric unit and is used by the patient in giving an example on how to recover. It is such a happy day ! And we are going to celebrate today my son, my mother and me ! So dont ever give up if you suffer from a mental illness it can become youre greatest strenght in the future. So to everybody reading : " Life is a miracle - live it everyday ! "

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