torsdag 17. juli 2014

Streetdancing and Molde Jazzfestival

Today i woke up 04:00 in the middle of the night and stayed awake to 06:00 and woke up again 08:00. Here at home i play Mozart to Happy. I have been away for one night and she got a bit stressed of beeing alone and get friends around her. She is not a parakeet but a budgie, and like also Heavy Metall. She sings to Metallica, and to Mozart she relax and listens and is easier to get to sit on the finger. She is kind, cute and social. But needs to stay a lot around us to get tame. But i like to wake up in the morning to a bird singing.
Today i was to go to the jazz festival in Molde. I thought when i woke up that i did not want to go. I was tired and did not want to be around so much people. I wanted to go home and write. But everybody told me to go, so i did. It was a cosy carride and a ferry tour. A nurse and me went and we had a great time. The tunes of music got my mood better, and streetdancing was awsome. And all the musicians sitting in the street singing was great. One man played " Hallelujah" of Leonard Cohen and it was breathtaking. We had coffe latte and listened. Its great that mood can change so fast from tired and slow,to fast and easy and i went to some shops and bought a present to my son. A coaching book and Jamie Oliver in 15 minutes. My son likes to make food and make dinner a lot. He is so kind and good to me that i wanted to give him a present. I also bought Lavender Shower Gel and Hand Soap. It smelled very good.
The clothing in the shops in Molde was great, so my mother and me will go back next week to shop clothes. She starts her summer holliday tomorrow.
Today has been a great day even though it started out bad, but to get feedback from others is great. So get people around you that cares for you and want you the best and see that mood can change fast to the better. It was great to just walk around in Molde and listen to music, a woman sang also so pretty that i wondered why she had not a record. So there is musicians all over the world that can get famous and give out good music.
" Just go out no matter what mood you are in, it can change in seconds to the better. "

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