mandag 28. juli 2014

My Response To The Bombing In Gaza : " I Am Clicking Now " !!!

The newest report from the bombing of Gaza is that a hospital is reached by bombs !!! A norwegian Doctor is working there, and my reaction to it was anger !!! " I am clicking now " !!!
Why war ? It is next year 70 years since world war 2, and it is to be remember. The world was horrified of Hitlers damages and the concentration camps. My grandfather sailed out as a warrior for the allied and sailed on HK Gladesdale. He fought against war and was for peace his entire life.
To me it seems strange that jewish people given the country after world war 2 is bombing Gaza. Why is it so hard to give away land and live peacfully !!! Its money and borders. All the people of Gaza want is a home. The people bombing on bought sides i have to say to : " Stop the Bombing Now !!! "
It is not hard to give away land. And the Bible also say : " Pray also for youre enemies. " It is the words of Jesus Christ.
I was to stay in a happy mode today and have cupcakes in the owen to some children playing in my sisters garden. And what world shall they grow up in ???
Stop Bombing and give away land !!! The ones that are knowing the Bible knows that this is the meaning of the bible : " To Give and let Live ! "
I am against Israel in about 10 years because of this. " Stop the Bombing Now. "

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