tirsdag 23. desember 2014

My Best Christmas Present Ever Is A Horse

Life changes by minutes and so it did for me yeasterday. I was out taking pictures with a friend and went to a stable to take pictures of horses. Three horses stood out in a paddock and i went to the horse that seeked most contact. And one horse was very beautiful. black with a white star. And she stood just looking at me and listening very awake and in stamina. I went to the other horse that thought the camera was food. He got upset and angry when it was not and started to get agressive. I am not scared of agressive horses. But he lied on his ears and showed teaths and it was like he wanted to bite. I did not move. But took my hand fovard to him and then something happened. The black horse runned towards us and scared away and bitt after the horse beeing agressiv towards me. She stood and guarded me and scared all the time the other horse away. No horse has ever protected me or guarded me this way so soon before. And i smiled and laughed. And then she did something different. She turned her head towards the ground and showed humbleness and that she choosed me as a leader and was extremly kind. I could not pet her much because of the fences was high. I left in the car and when i got home i called the stable owner and got to know that the black horse was Pegas One and is 23 years old and that they looked for a rider to her. So now i am rider once a week on Pegas One and i am about to buy her in a while when i have enough money. The horse was a miracle to me and help from God. I was in great pain and suffering and all went away of getting my anker point back and relieve of grieve. I am in full remission and that is when all pain and illness go away and you go back to the person you used to be all healthy. I stay with Pegas One until she dies and give her a good time in her last years, but she can live to be over 30 years old. And she is beautiful. In a few days i go to her and take riding lessons again and got all my life and strenght back this christmas. I am so in inner peace and in such a joy even though it is difficult times. Life can change in a day and youre christmas can be youre best ever remembering youreself and be truly youreself. So tomorrow i celebrate christmas in thankfullness for miracle healing, and Pegas One and i might go on televison, a norwegian channel was interested in the story to see how people heals together with horses. And i have a horse in my life that guards me and gives me love and acceptance. So never give up - miracle does happen !!!
" Merry Cristmas to Everyone - Life Is A Miracle ! "

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