lørdag 13. desember 2014

The Meaning Of A Everyday Life

To live a fullfilled life is easy if you make it easier to live. We humans are social individuals and it is often the best thing we do. To have time for life is to get life easier whithout to many goals in life. When you easen down life and get away stress traps you can focus on what is really the purpouse of youre life and find youre way. It is not easy to find this in a lot of clutter. It is soon christmas and the holliday is the best thing of the year. But for many people it is not easy. It can be illness, problems, poverty and a lot of other problems. But make the christmas easy. Dont stress the christmas away. It is there for you all the time and celebrate the christmas with the ones you love the most. If you are creative you can start new christmas traditions. I am having a santa claus party for my litle friend next week. It is to make everyday a day worth living to the full and get away bad thoughts. The right friends heals you from trouble. And beeing open on what is wrong with you the most people accept. My litle friend laughed at me when i told her i just had " thoughtpain" sometimes. She understood what it was and was very wise. I told my sister that i had written a litle book for parents explaining to children in what a mental illness are. That it is " thoughtpain " and that you need theraphy to get the thoughts away. It is not easy to explain children that you are mental ill. I am luckily not that anymore by working a lot with myself, my life and my dreams and dont try to be something i am not. I dare to show myself as a regular person and not overdone in clothes and make - up. And people like me more like a regular and natural person that knows the reality that sometimes life is hard and you have bad days. It is possible to laugh at a bad day if you are open about it. And with lower goals for life you get a higher life quality. I am happy and strong and love everyday life. I do my regular routine and write and paint inbetween and is happy with that, because i found my meaning of creating a better everyday not only in the weekends. And i get more good feedback than ever before. I am just an average person beeing me and i dont try to be something special, and i get more love in my life and have more love to give. I dont get a nervous breakdown if things are not perfect. I have patience and look forward to things and then i dont get boared. There is meaning in every single second and stress and problems went out of my life fast. I have a huge interest for music and listen to more music and dance and knitt and see very litle tv because i get boared and sometimes think the whole world has gone mad. Because i was without tv for several years. So i dont sit in front of the black box and buy in a reality that is not real. Because i know that when you focus on youre goals and manage to reach them reality is better, even though the world is thougher and harder than in many years. It is to create youre own reality and not form them after others and use common sence. That got me well and out of a schizophrenia diagnoze. So to all people : " Dare to be the real you - because people love the real thing. " Today i chose to put out one of my favourites with Metallica. They are coming to Norway 20. August 2015 in Bergen and i think i will go to the concert. It will be huge and an adventure :-)
" Stay Real And Love Life - You Get There By Love And Safety. "

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