fredag 11. mars 2016

Free Yourself From All Mental Trouble

This book i read for years ago and found that the way out of anxiety and depression is self talk.
To talk to yourself changes the habit of inner thinking and gives you reason to move on by talking sense to yourself.
I have been treated with medication for self talk and know that some doctors dont know the field they work in. There is a human factor in all treatment and they have to start with listening to patients and evaluate the doctors work by scemes and research to get the psychiatric health field good and the best way for a person to develop into a stronger and more healthier person than before.
It should in these days never be a shame to be hospitalized. 
People go through crisis, all humans does that once or more in life.
It is normal.
It is possible to become stronger and more healthier if you read and dont stop searching.
Not all coaches is good.
Some coaches tells you to adapt from others, but this is wrong.
You shall find you're true self.
Self talk is good and gives you the chance to listen to you're voice and somebody supporting you in all, and that is you.
Be you're own best friend and self talk can help you out of loneliness to find serenity and peace and the way you want to live you're life.
This is a book in crisis therapy for severe trauma and it heals by reading.
Be you're own coach and beat anxiety and depression.
I read to get knowledge and understand that many nurses dont know their work.
They have treated me for psychosis by self talk
and it was reason and to myself i talked to cope with isolation.
Isolation for more than 24 hours should be forbidden.
There has to be communication between doctors and patients and not only medication that can deprive you're healt.

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