fredag 11. mars 2016

Tinker- Belle and Imagination

In 2012 i got isolated for seven moths without any trips outside. It was horrible.
And against the law.
I talked to myself and told the truth about what i have been through.
I did not get anyone to talk to they just sat and listened to me and what i said and did not have any communication with me.
To survive i started to use my imagination and pretended that tinker belle was flying around.
I went through neverland in hospitalization.
Tinker belle was to show that i was kind and human and did not do anything other than to sit and talk,
I talked also in French and it was seen as psychic behavior.
I had noon to trust and they treated me against human rights.
Tinker Belle made me laugh and i talked to myself and pretended a lot after seen a movie with Tom Hansk stranded on an island and how he keept himself sane in isolation.
I think if i make it through back to health that i join the robinson expedition.
Noone in the psychiatric field has understood me expect and General from the Army that told me to sign myself out and talked to me how i should focus to survive.
He saved my life and was the kindest man ever to me.
He understood me and told me how to focus on goals and love.
To care about what i love to survive.
Tinker Belle i love and she saved me mental because she shows human affection and feelings.

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