onsdag 9. mars 2016

The Feeling Good Handbook

This is a very good book i worked with for several years and understood a lot in the way of thinking people can have. It is against depression and is written by David D. Burns, M.D.
He gives this book instead of medication to his patients and tell them to work with the book for a month, and the most cases is doing good without medication.
I can't understand why i have not seen this book in any mental institution i have been to. I have been like a pinball in the system, so i might call myself " Flipper ".
The book is good and tell you how to think in a good way to change you're mood from depression to happiness and what to focus on.
Feeling good is for all people.
This book can get you of medication if you work with it together with a health care worker that understands.
Bibliotherapy is a good way to make it through, because you understand more of life by reading books.
I have serenity that do the thing that i make it through nearly on my own.
I have my budgie Happy that gives me company.
I dont understand why the psychiatrist mess so much with my head.
The body is a whole system that needs to be treated.
You can't treat the brain for physical symptoms and tell that they are only in you're head and not do anything medical.
I have not been taken blood samples of and i need to do that.
I find Recovery in reading and in music and have had a great day.
The best thing i learned from the Bible was to love you're enemies and pray for them.
But the law is the law and when it is gone so far that it risks the patients life and quality there is crime involved of health care workers.

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