søndag 6. mars 2016

The Nurse As An Agent

I am reading this book at my recovery and know that in the role of a nurse in a changing system you got to be strong and develop a social and work identity that can take change.
The system is not being changed by solving the problems by old solutions.
It is time to think new in the psychiatric health field and go for a model with less medication and learn the patients how to live a quality life with meaning with teaching them and educate the patient.
The book takes up the problem that change in the system can bring apathy and warfare in the system in the fright of change.
I am very kind and go for a new model i write about in a novel about healing in the environment with therapeutical movement towards animals. Especially horses.
I have a budgie that is called " Happy " that has saved me from loneliness. I have walked a lonely road and write for change and see that people do something with persons changing and having the courage to go towards doctors.
The system har to examined and listen to the patients dreams with research.
The book is very good and was not official literature in my nurse studying days.
Change has to come in fast.
It costs the system billions to not treat the patients right.
Here the patients are laughing at me and my change model.
I have a book with publisher on over 400 pages to change into healing, recovery and a life with quality for all in the system.
Shakira understood something.
I wash clothes all the time. I keep the washing room clean and hygienic.
I have taken this responsibility on my own.
Somebody understands.
They are kind.

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