tirsdag 23. februar 2016

Natural Psychology

Life is natural in all kinds of way at once you find the meaning of life. The meaning of life is never hidden it is around you all the time but clutter and past emotions from the past can disturb you're thinking. We need peace to recover the mind - like you need to recover from exercise and to find perfect balance is to find yourself. You are much stronger than you think and if you see Top Gun you can understand that even the best is afraid of love and it send them into emotions thats scare them. And maybe more than war and battle action. 
I wonder what has went wrong when people is so scared of love ?
It is the best feeling in the world.
But love you can find on you're own because love is not only sex. It is to find someone to connect with that is willing to risk his og her life for you on occasions.
Some men is so scared of love that they rather jump from an airplane with a parashoot. They are not afraid of risking their life. But they are afraid of love and it can break them to get a rejection from a woman. I dont say that only men are scared of this. But women also. And they exercise they mental state away to be perfect. Why has it gotten this way in the world ?
Love is kind and easy and found in inner peace. And if you have broken down enough times you are not scared of love anymore. But there is many fools out there. But why ?
When all seek the higher love. 
And it is found in peace and relax when you find someone that you are safe on and accept all kinds of wrongs with that person as cute reflections of the personality.
Try to stay alive no matter what has happened to you're heart and know that you can find love in you're dreams with yourself that comforts you when you love yourself and then you're heart will heal. 
Dont be afraid of yourself and you can manage to get the best out of yourself with knowing that you maybe are more okay when you dont pull it off so often.
People seek people that accepts them and that make you strong.
Stay together and accept each other and dont be afraid of a no.
Sometimes it takes time to find the ideal partner.
For some it is not found before they are elder people. 
I read a cute story about a teacher that did not find love before she was in the 70`s and it was all worth waiting for.
Somebody is very kind to me and i am not alone but can't lay out all my life. But heroes are shaped in the presence of dreaming dreams for you when you have lost them yourself and new beginnings can start every day.
Relax and dont be afraid - even in a danger zone.
Good flight in all the emotions of life.
You deserve the best.

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