mandag 14. april 2014

Health Definition

After some reading on the net i found out that the health definition is to difficult for not health educated people and myself. To work out health scales and evaluate health you need a clever doctor.
In health system there is different health definitions from continent to continent and in some countries, from country to country. I will try to easen people down. To have a good health you can have with an illness also. I have to be careful with this statement. But i met a man on 79 years old in the psyciatry and i believed he was 60 years old. It was by the way he looked and acted, and his physical health was more than good. He eated healthy and went for long walks. And it is not saied you will die early of disease. My grandma on 104 years have been ill several times and also been in surgery. To talk about health topics like this I need a whole book. But to shorten down. Health needs to be evaluated every five year. The body and mind developes and it it possible to work with the body so it starts over new. I have seen people change over night. There needs to be a clearer health definition, and a clearer tool to measure it. It is not only absence of disease.
A healthy life is to live after healthy needs. To nurse youre body with what really is healthy, and it is easy.
There has to be formed in mental health, physical health and spiritual health and a age scale with definition on what is the right health measure for a person on 20 years and one person on 80 years. It is two different lives.
The definition on health needs a guideline. And when people figure out the health scale they will get less depressed and have less anxiety. To have a good health is to be free of disease, or have a treatable disease and a place in the soul with happiness, courage and love.
It is not all disipline, an overweight person can live longer than an underweight person. So all in all, the world needs to calm down and not be afraid or hysterical about pimples, birth marks and hair. There are real problems as cancer, ebola and other sevear diseases.
To have health is to live after youre dreams and reach them. With disease or without disease. Leonardo da Vinci saied : " It is not how long you live, but how you live. "
This is to be continued...
Have a nice day, and good health to you ! :-)

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