fredag 25. april 2014

New Research Schizophrenia and Estrogen / Womens Health

Yesterday i read for hours on the net and came over an article / research project on estrogen and women with schizophrenia. It seems like women is getting sick later than men and it seems like estrogen is the preventive part in this. They have started research on medication to women with schizophrenia because very often a diagnosed woman with schizophrenia get well during pregnancy and some can be worse right before menstruation when estreogen is low. I dont manage to put in the link to the page, but i googled schizophrenia and estrogen and found some articles. It was uplifting because i have a bit low of estrogen and get worse before menstruation, so maybe i can take a different medication and take some tests and get well ? I hope so. I wanted to share this with you. There is more to it than just stress and crisis, because i really dont have a clue why i got ill. I had everything in life and was happy. I just slept bad for 1 1/2 year, and did not take sleeping pills. I hope you can find something out on what i found yeasterday.
Today i have been home and cleaned the refrigerator and had coffe, and feed Persephone. She was not shy at all, and waits still for two neighbours in the 80`s that died last year. She saw someone walking by the house and was looking curious if it was them. Animals can be devoted for years like this when they have loved someone. I had two visits at home today, a neighbour and my sister. I got hugs and good talks. And i look for an appartment or a house to buy or rent.
The sun is bright here and the weather is good, the sea is calm and the birds are flying around singing. It is early spring and it has been summer temperature so we have been blessed after a long winter. The days gets longer by the days, we have the midnight sun here in Norway. It is best up north, but here i am it will get very light in the evenings and early morning in the summer.
Have a nice day, and stay always in hope in finding solutions. Todays quote :
" Never give up. "

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