lørdag 19. april 2014

The way out of depression

To be depressed is hard. So hard that you have to experience it to understand really how hard it is. I have been depressed, very depressed. But is now off antidepressiva and mood stabilization medications. And is free of depression. It is really a miracle. What did i do ? I prayed for years that the depression should go away. I never gave up. I really did not understand why i was depressed, because i have always been in a good mood and happy. But i laughed my way out of depression and off medication. The best part is to not take life to seriously, and start to be youreself again. And hold on to inner strenght. The way out of depression is a very good book by David D Burns : " Feeling Good " and he has another one to : " The New Mood Therapy ". It is good books to work with and the best thing, they really help you understand the way you think. Never give up if you are depressed or feeling anxiety or is in psycosis. There is a life to live. Me, i am still in hospitalization, but it is not all that bad. I look for a house to buy or rent, and not only in Norway, but in Denmark and England. We talk in the unit and have good laughs. The patients are nice, and we give eachother presents and hugs, and laugh together. It is cosy, but the best part is to be at home. And i have started on my way back home now. Yeasterday i was home for some hours and visited my sister and my mom.
It is easter, and not much is happening, but i write and read, smoke and talk and exercise. Life is calm, but good. And i have learned to not ask for so much more.
" Be youreself everyday, you are the best person to be that. "

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