torsdag 10. april 2014


Right now a beautiful rainbow is in front of me from the litle corner of the world i am writing from. The view from the hospital is extremly beautiful. Seagulls are flying around and the sea is to be seen. Life is worth living. Every single day. It is just to hold on, better times always comes around. There is no need to believe once a mental illness, always a mental illness. All illness can go away, and nobody is just theire illness. There is so much more in a person than just feeling bad, sad, depressed or extremly unhappy. There are bright sunny days, even on rainy days.
Today i was to the gym to get a physiotherapist examin my body and make sets of workouts for me, i did it all on my own and the physioterapist did not know i am ill. She thought i was healthy and in full job as a nurse. I am educated as a registered nurse, and is writing a book about recovering from psycosis, anxiety and depression. It takes a bit of work, but with the right persons together with you it is absolutely possible to recover from schizofrenia and other mental illnesses.
Its just a good day here right now. I have done my weekly shopping and bought Craft exercise gear and new purple shoes today. Also ice coffe, easter chocolate eggs from Anthon Berg and two magazines. I dont need much to be happy. And the days my head work out well i have so good days that sometimes it is better than when i was healthy because i treasure the days so much more. It is a blessing in illness that you learn. It is not the meaning to be ill, but there is tremendous learnings in it if you look at it the other way around. Dont ever give up life or someone with an mental illness or youreself if you have one. Treat youreself nice and keep to youre identity because it is never gone. You are you and have the right to be that.
My dad just were here some minutes ago. We talked about the Mona Lisa, i showed her to him. And it is so like the original that he had to take a picture of her and tell someone has been in Louvre :-) The painting i have is old. I am lucky that i get to study the Mona Lisa every single night i look at her. And she must have been extremly kind and beautiful and relaxed, by the way her face looks, so maybe Leonardo da Vinci was a man getting people to relax, and then he must have been a good conversationer. It can be seen in the paintings. I have study some of his works. And he is an artist that never will stop impress the world. The Mona Lisa is a masterpiece.
It is enough writing for today, remember : " God is always with you if you want him to. "

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