søndag 20. april 2014

The Happiness Project

I have been home today. And it felt like i had shopped in all new things. I have been away for a long time, and today was just a day with boosts of happiness. To be happy is really easy. It is hard to understand when you are depressed, but find out what makes you happy and go for that. Do the things making you happy.To ask for litle in life is a good thing. It is the golden rule. To much of one thing can make you depressed. Today the day started with bright sun. I was very sleepy, but went outside on the veranda and had my morning coffe and a sigarette. I looked at the wiev and desided to walk in the mountains next year. But i probably can make some hiking trips to the mountains this summer also. Then i asked to go home, and they sendt me home together with a very nice assistant. She is blogging about food, and got some recepies from me. I have a lot of recepies and cook books. I love to make food. And have decided to make a party to the arrival of my son home from a travell all around the world. He is in USA right now for the first time, and love the country. He has been away for nearly two months, and i miss him a lot. But we send mails to eachother and talk on the phone. So he is not that far away. The good thing with internett is that it is easy to stay in touch. I cant wait until he is home !!! Just miss him a lot. He is a great young man, strong and healthy and managing his life on his own :-)
The birds are walking around the unit. They are scared of people walking passed the unit, but not afraid of uss patients. I talked to them and one bird then landed beside me. It is cosy with birds. And they sing the spring in here for uss patients. They make our day sometimes.
At home i went through some stuff, i was looking for my swarofski crystall cross, a present from my brother. It is an extremly beautiful necklace. I got it after a hiking trip in full storm. He knew i survive, and maybe he believed the Lord above was with uss. But i could not find it. Instead i found a ring i thought was missing or stolen. It was my heritage from my grandma. A expensive gold ring with purple stone in it. It is really beautiful. My grandfather insisted on me having that ring from her, because i had loved it all my life. I am so happy wearing that ring. And i have decided to never take it off me, but wear it everyday. I got extremly happy of finding again the ring.
Then i found two books : " The Madonna riddle " ( A comedy ) and " The happiness Project " by Gretchen Rubin. I have not read the book yet, but i decided to get more happy, to find out what i love. And that is the definition on success, to do what you love and get paied for it. But the main thing is to find everyday happiness. And i find it just to drink from my favourite cup of coffe. It is bought by my son in London and have the british flag on it handpainted. It is cosy and nice and it feels like me.
In the car on the way back i decided, what about goals. I have never in my entire life put myself to goals. So i decided to start riding again. So tuesday i will order private riding lessons. I felt happiness by just taking a goal and decide to go for it. Me i have been a drifter, just living life by the minute, and just been kind and nice. I have had a good life living that way. But i am curious to see what happens in setting goals to be more happy and fullfilled, and satisfied.
I know how to set goals and that is to be concrete and have a clear plan and do what takes to reach the goal. The first goal is : " Take riding lessons. "
I am happy and hope you have a happy day. Now i go in to my room and read the book ; " The happiness project. " And make some small goals.
Remember : " You have the right to make goals " becuse you deserve to have the life you dream of, but remember that God is in for surprises, so sometimes the life turn another way :-) To the better !!!
" Remember to count youre blessings. "

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