tirsdag 8. april 2014


Today is a rainy grey day here, and i bless the rain. And thanks to the genius in the Lord above we have clean water in Norway. It is a miracle that waterdrops falling from heaven is part of us. We need enough water everyday. 70% of our body is pure water. We need it to get the cells in the body to live and communicate. All the organs are depending on water to function in the right balance and circle. We can not live without the waterdrops from heaven.
To drink right can solve many problems. There is health in every drop of water.
Without water you can get headache, fatigue, lack of concentration, to much toxins in youre body and in worse case organ dysfunction.
To drink right can also get away panic attacs, anxiety, fatigue and depression.
We need 2-3 liters of water everyday, sometimes under hard work and exercise you need more water. Listen to youre body and drink right. " Drink water for life, you will not regret it. "

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