søndag 20. april 2014

Never Monday Morning Blues

I have never had Monday morning blues. The reason is that i have been happy all my life. It has been hard. But even at depressed times i knew happiness was not far away. When my son went to childrens school i always took him out to dinner on Mondays to have a good start at the week. We saved money for that day, and he could order what he wanted. The result was that he got the worlds best cacao/chocolate drink. They made it especially for him every Monday. And I got free coffe. I remember the time so good now that it gives me the same happiness.
The clue of happiness. Just follow Baz Lurman. I did and ended up extremly happy. So happy that people wanted to know my secrets for that. And I used my body in every way i could and got 54 kilos. I stopped listening to Baz Lurman, but has started again in my own project of living a fullfilled life. And that is not all happiness all the time. The truth is that nobody stayes happy all the time. There is problems in life, but the best way to have a happy week : " Eat out Mondays ! " Its the best tip to have a great time with youre loved ones. And take youre time to listen to Baz Lurman.
" Have a happy day - you deserve it. And maybe the greatest week of youre life !!! "

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