lørdag 19. april 2014

Pasta Salad

Tonight i have been standing in the kitchen here at the hospital, and made my sisters recepie for Pasta salad. It is very good and tasty and not at least fresh. They all had just good words ta say about the pasta salad. I got a bit shy, i dont like to get all the attention. But my sister can be honoured for the recepie, she has made it all herself. We made enough for several days.
Here in the unit it is extremly kind and all who works here is always in a good mood, and it reflects over on uss patients. I just wanted to put in some words to honour my sister and the hospital unit. It is possible to have a really good time even if you are hospitaliseised.
Its a calm good and cosy afternoon here, and no depression and just happiness. It is good to see that i still function and manage to make food to several people.
Have a good happy easter !!!
" Remember to be youreself- then the true feeling of happiness occur. "

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