lørdag 26. april 2014

Saturday Night

Some people think it is awful to be in a mental institution, but some days it can be good to. Every saturday night they make good food here. Today a patient has made Bacalao. It was very good. We sat by the table for a long time. Afterwards it was dvd time with " Star Wars Episode 1 ".
Psyciatric patients can have a good quality of life if the unit they are in is good. I have had a happy time and is feeling peaceful and happy. The sun is going down here and i sit and look at blue mountains with a litle snow on them. It is a georgeous wiev. I am going to bed soon with a book i got as a present from one of the patients and is to relax this weekend a lot. Rest, kindness and humour is the best way to treat schizophrenia. It can be done. And the patients can have a good life.
I look forward to be signed out to my home. I am not sure when it is, but i hope it is not long before the doctor think i am well enough to go home.
" If you are feeling sad, invite some friends over for dinner.It will make you happy. "

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