mandag 7. april 2014

The Secret and Mona Lisa

Today was one of those days i felt " The Secret " around me. I believe it works for everyone, but maybe not the way presented in the book and in the movie " The Secret". I believe God is up for surprises. God surprises us and dont we all love that :-)
I have to tell in my first post that i am diagnosed with schizofrenia, and not sad with that if my life had worked good, at the time it works good. Not on top of the world, but not on the bottom either. It is possible living a fullfilled  life diagnosed with a mental illness. I am tired of medications and a litle bitt stiff in my body as a sideeffect of medication, but there is medication for that too. I live in a different reality, and that is a good reality where everyone can manage to be a good and lovable person, who gets second chances. But the main thing is to be oneself, not somebody else, but the true fingermark God has given you that there is only one of you. And that makes you valuable and precious and not at least loved. God loves you, you know.
Today i went to the grocery store to buy in a litle bitt, not much , some ice coffe and mineral water and soda, a magazine and an orange chocolate. I am hospitalized now, so i get the others food for free, its the good thing living in Norway. Its expensive here, but hospitalization is free for all people in Norway. 
After i was finished shopping i wanted to go to a vintage store, i had seen a picture there of Mona Lisa, a canvas print and it looked like the original, if not Louvre misses the original :-) I had waited for the picture for 14 days, i did not have money the first time i saw it. It costed 60 usd. 400,-nkr. I was sad already going in to the vintage store, i was sure the Mona Lisa was gone. But there it was !!! And i was so happy !!! I bought it, and was sure the secret was around me, to tell me that there is second chances and sometimes God gives you time to wait. You dont need to be in a hurry everytime you buy something, and buy when you have the money.
For me the secret works in the small parts, from free things, to a Mona Lisa worth more than 60 usd. I have a lot of vintage at home, and has found a lot vintage cheap. And believe if we work this way in the secret we can save the world. " Sometimes you get what you need, not what you want. "
Have a nice day, and look for surprises ! :-)
The place i am in now is very kind :-) 

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