onsdag 16. april 2014


Today something funny happened. One of the nurses here exercise a lot and took me with her to the gymnasium in the work out studio. I went on a class of Sh`bam. It is an hour with dancing different dances. It was funny, but my arms and legs was everywere. I laughed a lot. The instructor was unbelieveable kind and explained very good how it should be done. And the best part, i had more stamina than i thought and did not breathe much. I have danced for years, but have had two years now i have not been in exercise, and my body strongly tell that i have to exercise a lot. Sh`bam is good for all the body. And the strange part, some of the nurses told me earlier today : " I think you are brave going to a class with Sh`bam. " They did not dare themselves because of arms and legs everywere. It is funny, but the line between a mental illness and normal can be litle. I was not scared at all going. I was on the other hand looking forward to it, And it is a great feeling now. To dance is good when you have a mental illness ( or not ), it gets you more in contact with youre body, and you can do it at home.I just loved Sh`bam. And it was also the first time i went to a class in a gymnasium. So new things occurs for everybody if you just open up and dare to do it. Life is good and i know it will get better by time. It just feels that way. Happinness is in reach everyday for everybody.
" A new life can start every single second - hold on everyday. "

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