søndag 24. august 2014

Eat Until You Laugh And Stay Happy

I found a book in my bookshelf i had not read. I bought it some years ago in a vintage store. It is a book from 1993 and it is by Jean Carper and the title is : " Food - Youre Miracle Medicine. " I read it and ate food until i laughed and was bubbly with happiness. I ate food for raising the mood level with serotonine. And ate whole wheat pasta, green pesto, 2 table spoons with olive oil, 2 garlic boats raw and after a while i sat laughing of all my life and all i have done and not done. It was to be back in year 1999 for me until 2002 because i lived very healthy at that time and there was not so many diets. I lived on healthy food and ate karbohydrates and vegetables and fruits. It is possible to do food to youre medicine. And i have started every night to soothen the body with olive oil. It gets me in a happy mood and all my thoughts gets healthy and happy. It is nearly a miracle. And i stay healthy. It dont cost much to stay on this diet.
The book is possible to buy today and the author Jean Carper has given out more books i wanna read. And the book is to heal deseases and to prevent desease. It is good and easy to read. And it is possible to stay happy by eating this way. I have gotten more strenght and will power after i started to follow Jean Caspers advices. So eat until you laugh and feel happy !!!
" Sometimes the best advices are right by youre side. "

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