lørdag 9. august 2014

Planning Day For Training

Today was summer time here. I overslept until 11:30 because Happy did not sing this morning and woke me up. She usually sings between 7:30 and 8:00. I got up and gave Happy food and changed water. She has been very silent today so i am a bit worried for her. But we will see how it goes tomorrow. Today i have been training Pilates and read about exercise and Fitness all day. I am planning to get results because i dont get so much results as i want out of the exercise i am doing. I found great free videos on youtube by Fitness Magazine. There was good training tips. I watched for a while and is starting tomorrow on a detailed training plan. It has just been a relaxing day. And know that to change youre life and youre body can be done in only 3 months. I start on a program that takes 3 months to change the whole body on monday. And i will take pictues before and after to see how the progress is and to have something that tells me to exercise. I have had a good time today planning my life.
" All changes for the body starts in the mind - read and get knowledge and start changing for life. "

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