mandag 15. september 2014

The Right Song Can Heal You

No matter what you are suffering from music theraphy can help you out of any condition. When i had anxiety i used music a lot and i used this song for some of the sentences in this song. It is that if we are sourounded in beauty maybe someday we will become what we see. It is about beeing an everyday angel and have the right to be you in all youre life. Know that people always will love you no matter what and people do fall apart sometimes. Keep in touch with the people that always is around you and cares for you. You will love life again, heart ache, grieve, depression, anxiety, worries and all the things in life goes over. There is periodes in all lives with different feelings. Chose to live youre life the way you want it and beat all the hard feelings by beeing you :-)
" Music can be the miracle medication you need - love life. "

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