mandag 1. september 2014

Yoga The Miracle Medication

I have been doing yoga and found out that it heals and releases tensions in the body that i did not know was there. Yoga massages the whole body and streches youre entire body. It feels incredible good doing yoga and you feel mentally at peace doing it. It is hard work poweryoga and gives good exercise that nearly everybody can do.
It can take a while finding the exercise that fits you the best and i think i found mine in poweryoga. My body hurts in a good way after the exercise. I have put out before the video of Arthur. The man who tells you to never ever give up and exercise no matter what. It can be  read in an earlier blogg article i put out. I do it myself now to heal in my whole body. I need a exercise that stabilize the core muscles and yoga seems to be the right way for me. I am happy to find this out for myself and wanted to share it with others.
" It can take a time to find youre way - but never ever give up. "

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