mandag 29. september 2014

How To Survive A Boring Day

Some days seems to be boring. There is not much to do and you just feel up to do something wild and fun but the society makes you to not do it. There is different ways to survive a boring day. The first thing is to manage to get up in the morning and not read the news. It seems like the news is depressing these days so you can look at a fun page and have a good time for a while. The other part is to get some wisdom and then know that others have been boared before you. It is not a new feeling in the world.
To have a boring day is not good. It is like you feel that you can do something, you just dont know what. Today i will do something special to get the boring feeling away i just dont know what yet. I have invited people on dinner on a thai chicken soup and i hope that will make the day better. But i need creative stimuli to have a good life. But to survive it i have made coffe, turned on the tv ( to find out there is not much to see even if there is 29 channels. ) and smoked some cigarettes. I have laughed a bit about videos and will go bicykling in a while and to get everything away i try to keep on my daily routine. But when life gets boring dont mean that you are boring. It is just that there is not anything creative to do. So later today i will write about what i found to do today.
" A boring day comes a long once in a while - but do something creative and get the feeling away. "

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